This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

Pre CY2001 - State Bond Commission Agenda

December, 1999

January, 2000

February, 2000

March, 2000

April, 2000 

Meeting Cancelled

May, 2000 

Revised Agenda

June, 2000

Meeting Cancelled

July, 2000

August, 2000

September, 2000 

Revised Agenda

October, 2000

December, 2000 

Revised Agenda

Prior to the meeting, the agenda is considered preliminary and may change up until the meeting date.
The approved agenda will be available as soon as possible after the meeting  
Check this website for further updates

getacro.gif (712 bytes) The State Bond Commission Agenda is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format,
and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4 to view or print.  Click on icon for a free download.

For Further Information, Contact:
Ed Dooling, Principal Budget Specialist (860) 418-6258
Budget and Financial Management Division