The Connecticut Department of Public Health has identified 25 public health priorities for increasing the life expectancy and quality of life of state residents. The priorities are divided into three groups: health status, health services, and essential public health programs.
Health status priorities focus on reducing mortality and morbidity by targeting problems with modifiable risk factors. Health service priorities focus on improving the quality and accessibility of personal health services. Essential public health programs support activities that assure protection from preventable environmental and infectious diseases, and regulate standards of personal health care.

 1.  Prevention and cessation of tobacco use
 2.  Reduction of the factors associated with intentional, unintentional, and
      occupational injury
 3.  Improvement in rates of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening
      and follow-up
 4.  Improvement in rates of hypertension detection and control
 5.  Improvement in rates of diabetes monitoring and control
 6.  Improvement in diet and rates of blood cholesterol monitoring and control
 7.  Further determination and reduction of the factors associated with adverse
      pregnancy outcomes
 8.  Reduction of risky sexual behavior that leads to acquisition of HIV/AIDS,
      STDs, and unwanted pregnancy
 9.   Reduction of physical inactivity
10.  Reduction of alcohol abuse
11.  Reduction of illicit substance use and practices associated with
      transmission of infectious diseases


 1.  Reinforce and strengthen the public health infrastructure
 2.  Focus resources on the collection, analysis, interpretation, and
      dissemination of health data and information for better monitoring of the
      health care delivery system
 3.  Promote the development of adequate programs and services for persons
      65 years of age and older
 4.  Monitor the growth and development of managed care and its impact on
      the delivery and utilization of personal health care services
 5.  Expand access to affordable health insurance and primary and preventive
      health care services to the uninsured and underinsured

1. Infectious disease control
   1.1. Monitoring and control of all infectious diseases
   1.2. Investigation of outbreaks of infectious diseases and food poisoning
   1.3. Immunization programs
2. Health provider quality assurance
   2.1. Setting and enforcing standards for professional provider qualifications
         and provider and facility quality assurance
3. Environmental assurance
   3.1. Protection of food and water through the setting and enforcing of quality
   3.2. Lead abatement in housing and testing of children for blood lead levels

4. Health services assurance
   4.1. Setting and enforcing standards for preventive health care
   4.2. Assuring the provision of health care services to underserved populations
   4.3. Family nutrition programs
Source:  Connecticut Department of Public Health, Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation.
1999. Looking Toward 2000: An Assessment of Health Status and Health Services. Hartford, CT:
Connecticut Department of Public Health.
For more information, phone Public Health Systems Improvement at (860) 509-8070.