Looking Toward 2000: An Assessment of Health Status and Health Services
Connecticut’s last comprehensive state health plan, Health, Connecticut... Looking Ahead, Planning Ahead, was published in 1986 to inform policy makers and the public about the health of Connecticut residents, the state’s health care delivery system, the need for health services and programs, and their fiscal implications. The current document shares those objectives.
Chapters 1 and 2 of Looking Toward 2000: An Assessment of Health Status and Health Services describe the infrastructure that protects the health and safety of the population and address the emerging issues facing public health.  Chapters 3 and 4 contain assessments of the health status of Connecticut residents and the components of the existing health service delivery system. Chapter 5 identifies the public health priorities for Connecticut in the next biennium.
Click the links below to download Looking Toward 2000
(Please note, all files are PDF files)
Looking Toward 2000 (complete document, PDF, 8.5 MB)

For further information, please phone Public Health Systems Improvement at (860) 509-8070.