Co-Occurring Disorders Initiative

Steering Committee and Workgroups

Co-Occurring Steering Committee

The Co-Occurring Steering Committee is chaired by Commissioner Kirk and serves as the primary statewide governance structure to coordinate and oversee the planning, development, and implementation of all phases of CT’s co-occurring activities and initiatives, including building upon and furthering the CT Co-Occurring State Incentive Grant (COSIG), the CT COD State Plan (National Policy Academy), and coherency with the policy strategies of the CT Alcohol and Drug Policy Council (ADPC) and the Mental Health Policy Council (MHPC). The COD Steering Committee ensures consistency, accountability, and sustainability for CT’s COD strategy. The Co-Occurring Steering Committee, through monthly meetings, provides strategic and operational advice through the Workgroups described below. 

Co-Occurring Workgroups:

In an effort to infuse a sound approach for addressing the CT COD strategy and implementation of its efforts, two workgroups (Workforce Development, Screening) have been organized to enhance planning and program development. Additional workgroups, as needed, will be formed. The workgroups are comprised of diverse groups of state/regional representatives, state experts, and key stakeholders. The recommendations from the Workgroups will be used by the Co-Occurring Steering Committee in the further development and implementation of CT’s COD strategy.

1. Co-Occurring Workforce Development Workgroup     

5. Outcomes/Data Activities    

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