Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection
Connecticut State Police
Public Information Office

Dr. Dora B. Schriro - Commissioner

Colonel George Battle - Deputy Commissioner - Division of State Police

July 2, 2018


Middletown, CT (July 2, 2018): As thousands of drivers plan to travel during the upcoming extended holiday weekend, Connecticut State Troopers are also preparing to patrol in increased numbers to keep roads and highways safe for all drivers.

July 4th is Wednesday, allowing a mid-week excursion for beach outings, cookouts and fireworks. This translates to increased traffic starting as early as Monday, July 2nd and continuing through the evening of Sunday, July 7th.  Many will be driving through and around the state of Connecticut for Independence Day events, and State Troopers will be out conducting DUI roving patrols and spot checks over the holiday weekend.

Troopers will help reduce speed on the highways and roadways during the holiday period. In addition, State Troopers will operate sobriety checkpoints and DUI roving patrols.  Drivers can expect to experience concentrated enforcement operations at various locations across.  (Please see attached list.)

As always, State Troopers consistently work toward preventing accidents "especially fatal crashes" on Connecticut's roads and highways. Troopers will utilize laser units, and both marked and unmarked State Police patrol cars to enhance safety and to remove drunk drivers from Connecticut's roads.

Obeying the rules of the road is everyone's responsibility. We ask all drivers to buckle up, adhere to the speed limit, put down cell phones, and please concentrate on the effort at hand - driving.  State Troopers depend on drivers to follow the law. Please do not drink and drive since that is a deadly combination. If you are on the road and suspect a drunk driver, please call 911, as this is a true emergency.

Planning to consume alcohol to celebrate our nation's birthday? Then please designate a driver so that this festive, enjoyable holiday period does not turn into a tragedy.

As a reminder, please remember to always obey, the Move Over Law. The Move Over Law requires “Any operator of a motor vehicle on a highway when approaching one or more emergency vehicles that are stationary or traveling significantly below the posted speed limit and located on the shoulder, lane or breakdown lane of such highway shall (1) immediately reduce speed to a reasonable level below the posted speed limit, and (2) if traveling in the lane adjacent to the shoulder, lane or breakdown lane containing such emergency vehicle, move such motor vehicle over one lane, unless such movement would be unreasonable or unsafe.

During the July 4, 2017, weekend, Connecticut State Troopers issued 1,368 tickets for speeding, 2941 tickets for moving violations and made 60 arrests for driving under the influence. Troopers also investigated 398 motor vehicle crashes, 50 were with injury, and one was a fatality.


L - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 8 exits 37-43, in Burlington/Harwinton, Litchfield/Morris, and Bethlehem/Woodbury
L - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 8 exits 37-43, in Burlington/Harwinton, Litchfield/Morris, and Bethlehem/Woodbury
L - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 8 exits 37-43, in Burlington/Harwinton, Litchfield/Morris, and Bethlehem/Woodbury
L - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 8 exits 37-43, in Burlington/Harwinton, Litchfield/Morris, and Bethlehem/Woodbury
L - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 8 exits 37-43, in Burlington/Harwinton, Litchfield/Morris, and Bethlehem/Woodbury

G - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstates 91 and 95 and Route 34 in greater New Haven patrol area
G - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 95 and Routes 8 and 25 in the Bridgeport, Stratford, Trumbull patrol area
G - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 95 in Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich and Route 7 in the Norwalk area
G - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) from New York State Line to the Sikorsky Bridge

A - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop A patrol area
A - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop A patrol area
A - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop A patrol area
A - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop A patrol area
A - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop A patrol area

B - 07/03/18 - DUI Sobriety Checkpoint - Route 44 within New Hartford
B - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop B patrol area
B - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop B patrol area
B - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop B patrol area
B - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop B patrol area
B - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop B patrol area

H - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 91 north and south within Hartford patrol area
H - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 84 east and west within Hartford patrol area
H - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 84 east and west within Manchester patrol area
H - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstates 84 east and west within Farmington patrol area

I - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 15 in Hamden and New Haven patrol areas
I - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 91 in the area of Interstate 691 in Meriden
I - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Route 8 in towns of Shelton, Ansonia and Derby
I - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Interstate 91 in towns of New Haven and North Haven

F - 07/03/18 - DUI Sobriety Checkpoint - Boston Post Road and Antonie Road in Westbrook. This is in conjunction with the Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit.
F - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Westbrook patrol area
F - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Westbrook patrol area
F - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Westbrook patrol area
F - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Westbrook patrol area

C - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop C patrol area
C - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop C patrol area
C - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop C patrol area

D - 07/03/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop D patrol area
D - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop D patrol area
D - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop D patrol area
D - 07/06/18 - DUI Sobriety Checkpoint - Route 101 approximately ¼ mile east of Intersection with maple Street. This is in conjunction with the Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit.
D - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop D patrol area

E -  07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop E patrol area
E -  07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop E patrol area
E -  07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop E patrol area
E -  07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop E patrol area

K - 07/04/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop K patrol area
K - 07/05/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop K patrol area
K - 07/06/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop K patrol area
K - 07/07/18 - Roving Patrols - Within Greater Troop K patrol area


Contact Us:
Office: 860-685-8230
Fax: 860-685-8301


Twitter: @CT_State_Police
Instagram: @CT_State_Police
