State Police Prepare for Memorial Day Weekend Enforcement


   Connecticut State Troopers are preparing for increased traffic during this Memorial Day weekend, and summer 2017 celebrations and vacations.

   State Troopers ask all drivers to utilize courteous driving skills, plan for traffic delays and make safety their top priority whenever they get behind the wheel.  These actions will ensure safe travel to and from destinations.

   Some safety tips – and laws – to remember: buckle up, obey speed limits, don’t follow too close, remove distractions while driving, stay off the cellphone, and never drink and drive.

Connecticut drivers are asked to set an example for others by obeying all traffic laws. Together, State Troopers and state residents can keep Connecticut’s roadways safe for all.

   During this Memorial Day Weekend, motorists should be aware that Connecticut State Troopers will employ all methods of enforcement to increase highway safety. State Troopers will use laser units for speed enforcement, as well as marked, and unmarked, non-traditional police vehicles to patrol our highways and roadways.  


   Good driving skills, and patience, are essential to avoiding tragedies on Connecticut’s highways.  The enforcement efforts of our Troopers – along with drivers who follow state law – are vital to maintaining danger-free roads for drivers and passengers.

   As part of its efforts, the Connecticut State Police will participate in the National C.A.R.E. (Combined Accident Reduction Effort) program over this Memorial Day Weekend. The goal of this operation is to join state police agencies across the country to enhance safety in all states. Motorists are reminded to expect heavy traffic, exercise caution and allow extra time to reach their destination.

   The Operation C.A.R.E. holiday weekend will begin on Friday, May 26, 2017 at 12:01 a.m. and will continue until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 29, 2017.  Connecticut State Troopers are joining all state police agencies across the country, concentrating on enforcement of DUI and safety belt laws during the entire holiday weekend.

   During Memorial Day Weekend 2017, troopers will concentrate enforcement on all hazardous moving violations, seatbelt use and illegal cell phone use. Sobriety checkpoints will be set up at several locations throughout the state over the holiday weekend. 

   Again, troopers ask all motorists to obey all traffic laws, pay attention to your speed, and if you plan to consume alcohol please designate a driver. If you see a suspected drunk driver report it immediately by calling 911, as this is a true emergency.

?   As a reminder, please remember, and obey, the Move Over Law when traveling this weekend, throughout the summer, and always. The Move Over Law requires “Any operator of a motor vehicle on a highway when approaching one or more emergency vehicles that are stationary or traveling significantly below the posted speed limit and located on the shoulder, lane or breakdown lane of such highway shall (1) immediately reduce speed to a reasonable level below the posted speed limit, and (2) if traveling in the lane adjacent to the shoulder, lane or breakdown lane containing such emergency vehicle, move such motor vehicle over one lane, unless such movement would be unreasonable or unsafe.”

   During Memorial Day Weekend 2016, Connecticut State Troopers arrested 51 drunk drivers, charged 1263 motorists with speeding,  903 with seatbelt violations, and 4111 with Moving Violations. In addition, Troopers investigated 447 motor vehicle crashes, 74 of those with injury and 2 with fatality.

DISTRICT/TROOP:                          DATE:                                 ROVING PATROL/CHECKPOINT LOCATION:


L                                              05/26/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 8 Corridor between exit 37 in Watertown to exit 42 in Harwinton, Routes 6 & 64 in Woodbury, Routes 202 & 254 in Litchfield, Routes 7 & 341 in Kent, Routes 63 & 109 in Morris, Routes 45 & 47 in Washington, Routes 132 & 61 in Bethlehem, Route 4 in Burlington  and Route 72 Harwinton


                                             05/27/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 8 Corridor between exit 37 in Watertown to exit 42 in Harwinton, Routes 6 & 64 in Woodbury, Routes 202 & 254 in Litchfield, Routes 7 & 341 in Kent, Routes 63 & 109 in Morris, Routes 45 & 47 in Washington, Routes 132 & 61 in Bethlehem, Route 4 in Burlington  and Route 72  Harwinton

                                               05/28/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 8 Corridor between exit 37 in Watertown to exit 42 in Harwinton, Routes 6 & 64 in Woodbury, Routes 202 & 254 in Litchfield, Routes 7 & 341 in Kent, Routes 63 & 109 in Morris, Routes 45 & 47 in Washington, Routes 132 & 61 in Bethlehem, Route 4 in Burlington  and Route 72 Harwinton

                                             05/29/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 8 Corridor between exit 37 in Watertown to exit  42 in Harwinton, Routes 6 & 64 in Woodbury, Routes 202 & 254 in Litchfield, Routes 7 & 341 in Kent, Routes 63 & 109 in Morris, Routes 45 & 47 in Washington, Routes 132 & 61 in Bethlehem, Route 4 in Burlington  and Route 72 Harwinton


                                               05/30/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 8 Corridor between exit 37 in Watertown to exit 42 in Harwinton, Routes 6 & 64 in Woodbury, Routes 202 & 254 in Litchfield, Routes 7 & 341 in Kent, Routes 63 & 109 in Morris, Routes 45 & 47 in Washington, Routes 132 & 61 in Bethlehem, Route 4 in Burlington  and Route 72 Harwinton

G                                            05/26/17                               Roving Patrols – Interstate 95 in New Haven area

                                                            05/27/17                               Roving Patrols - Interstate 95 in Bridgeport area

                                                                                05/28/17                                         Roving Patrols - Interstate 95 in Stamford area


                                                            05/29/17                               Roving Patrols – Route 15 from New York State Line to Sikorsky Bridge

                    A                                          05/26/17                               Roving Patrols – Interstate 84 in greater Waterbury area and greater Danbury area


                                                                                 05/27/17                               Roving Patrols - Interstate 84 in greater Waterbury area and greater Danbury area

B                                           05/26/17                                   Roving Patrols – Route 8 Limited Access Highway and Route 4 in Towns of Torrington and Goshen

                                                           05/27/17                                   Roving Patrols – Route 8 Limited Access Highway and Route 44 in Towns of Winsted, Barkhamsted and New Hartford

                                   05/28/17                                   Roving Patrols – Route 7 and Route 44 in Towns of North Canaan, Falls Village and Norfolk

                                   05/29/17                                   Roving Patrols – Routes 44, 202, 219 in Towns of Torrington, New Hartford and Barkhamsted


               H                                          05/26/17                               Roving Patrols – Within Greater Troop H patrol area

                                                            05/27/17                               Roving Patrols – Within Greater Troop H patrol area



               I                                            05/26 /17                              DUI Sobriety Checkpoint – Interstate 91 northbound exit 16 in Meriden. This will be in conjunction with the Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit

                                                            05/27/17                               Roving Patrols – Within Greater Troop I patrol area

                                                            05/28/17                               Roving Patrols – Within Greater Troop I patrol area

                                                            05/29/17                               Roving Patrols – Within Greater Troop I patrol area      

   F                                           05/26/17                               Roving Patrols - Interstate 95 from, and Routes 1 and 9 in Troop F patrol area

05/27/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 9 and Route 66 in Middlefield

05/28/17                               Roving Patrols - Interstate 95 and Route 1 and 9 in Troop F patrol area

05/29/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 9 and Route 66 in Middlefield


            C                                              05/26/17                               Roving Patrols – Interstate 84 and Routes 30, 32, 44, 74, 83, 190, 195 in towns of

                                                                                                                    Ashford, Ellington, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union and Willington

                                   05/27/17                               Roving Patrols – Interstate 84 and Routes 30, 32, 44, 74, 83, 190, 195 in towns of Ashford, Ellington, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union and Willington


                                   05/28/17                               Roving Patrols – Interstate 84 and Routes 30, 32, 44, 74, 83, 190, 195 in towns of Ashford, Ellington, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union and Willington


                                   05/29/17                               Roving Patrols – Interstate 84 and Routes 30, 32, 44, 74, 83, 190, 195 in towns of Ashford, Ellington, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union and Willington

            D                                                                                          05/26/17            Roving Patrols - Routes 6, 12, 14, 44, 97, 169, 197, 198 and Interstate 395 in towns of Killingly, Brooklyn, Thompson, Woodstock, Chaplin, Hampton, Eastford, Sterling, Putnam and Pomfret

                                                            05/27/17                               DUI Sobriety Checkpoint – Route 101 at St. Joseph’s Church Parking Lot in

Killingly. This will be in conjunction with the Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit


                                   05/28/17                               Roving Patrols - Routes 6, 12, 14, 44, 97, 169, 197, 198 and Interstate 395 in towns of Killingly, Brooklyn, Thompson, Woodstock, Chaplin, Hampton, Eastford, Sterling, Putnam and Pomfret

                                   05/29/17                               Roving Patrols - Routes 6, 12, 14, 44, 97, 169, 197, 198 and Interstate 395 in towns of Killingly, Brooklyn, Thompson, Woodstock, Chaplin, Hampton, Eastford, Sterling, Putnam and Pomfret

   E                                              05/26/17                               Roving Patrols – Routes 1, 2, 2A, 12, 32, 82, 85, 97, 117, 138, 164, 165 and 207 Interstates 95 and 395 in Sprague, Baltic, Voluntown, Griswold, Preston, Norwich, New London, Groton, Groton Town, Gronton City, East Lyme, Waterford, Stonington, North Stonington, and Montville.

                                                            05/27/17                               Roving Patrols – Routes 1, 2, 2A, 12, 32, 82, 85, 97, 117, 138, 164, 165 and 207  Interstates 95 and 395 in Sprague, Baltic, Voluntown, Griswold, Preston, Norwich, New London, Groton, Groton Town, Gronton City, East Lyme, Waterford, Stonington, North Stonington, and Montville.

                                                            05/28/17                               Roving Patrols – Routes 1, 2, 2A, 12, 32, 82, 85, 97, 117, 138, 164, 165 and 207  Interstates 95 and 395 in Sprague, Baltic, Voluntown, Griswold, Preston, Norwich, New London, Groton, Groton Town, Gronton City, East Lyme, Waterford, Stonington, North Stonington, and Montville.

                                                            05/29/17                               Roving Patrols – Routes 1, 2, 2A, 12, 32, 82, 85, 97, 117, 138, 164, 165 and 207  Interstates 95 and 395 in Sprague, Baltic, Voluntown, Griswold, Preston, Norwich, New London, Groton, Groton Town, Gronton City, East Lyme, Waterford, Stonington, North Stonington, and Montville.

            K                                             05/27/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 2, 6, 11, 32, 66, 82, 85, 87, 149, 203, 207, 316 and  354 in the towns of Andover, Bolton, Bozrah, Colchester, Columbia, East Haddam, Franklin, Hebron, Marlborough, Salem, and Windham

                                   05/28/17                               Roving Patrols - Route 2, 6, 11, 32, 66, 82, 85, 87, 149, 203, 207, 316 and  354 in the towns of Andover, Bolton, Bozrah, Colchester, Columbia, East Haddam, Franklin, Hebron, Marlborough, Salem, and Windham
