Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
April 20, 2010

     The Department of Public Safety today announced the completion of the third phase of the Division of Scientific Services Forensic Science Laboratories located in Meriden, Connecticut. This project was begun with the purpose of consolidating Forensic Laboratory services under one roof to allow for the best delivery of services to the entire criminal justice system as well as other state and federal agencies which use the services provided.

     In September of 1990, a Master Plan Program was completed for a new Forensic Science Laboratory on the grounds of the State Police’s Mulcahy Complex in Meriden, Connecticut. This program involved two phases of construction and implementation. Phase I involved the construction of a building, approximately 22,500 square feet, to house the Criminalistics Laboratory and Administrative section along with general support services for the full Laboratory.  In early 1994 this portion of the program was completed and operations began. As funding became available the Phase II program was undertaken adding, an additional 28,000 square feet of Office, Laboratory, Classroom and Support (garage) space, bringing all Laboratory functions under one roof. The Phase II program was completed in 1998 bringing the remaining Identification Section services to the new Forensic Laboratory.

     On October 06, 1999 a request was made to begin the process to design and construct a Phase III addition to the Division of Scientific Services Laboratory. This request became necessary when the Department of Public Safety took responsibility for the Toxicology and Controlled Substance Laboratories from the Department of Public Health and the addition and expansion of the State Police Computer Crime Unit from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation.  This request became necessary when the Department of Public Safety took responsibility for the Toxicology and Controlled Substance Laboratories from the Department of Public Health and the addition and expansion of the State Police Computer Crime Unit from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. These two mergers have increased the staff and space requirements needed to perform the required functions.  In order to consolidate the services provided by the Division of Scientific, provide for better services for our clients and serve the needs of the user community this Phase III program was proposed.

A preliminary needs assessment of the new units indicates the following equipment and additional space requirements were needed for:

DNA Data Base expansion to include all felons (on line 01/2004)

AFIS Fingerprint expansion (new system installation by 06/2004)

Evidence receiving (elimination of duplicated services Hartford &

      Meriden locations)

Storage (evidence, alcohol, narcotics, records, computer crimes)

Instrumental analysis laboratories (DWI testing, Narcotics analysis,  

     Toxicology (ME samples) ventilation, gases, water, casework)

Computer analysis laboratories (case work, communication lines)

Personnel requirements

Support functions (evidence receiving, vault storage of narcotics)

Mechanical (HVAC, communications, security, phone system)

The Phase III addition is approximately 22,000 square feet of Laboratory and support space which will allow for the consolidation of services describe above. The Phase III construction will provide the necessary space for the growing needs of our service community in the area of forensic evidence analysis, drug testing, computer crime investigation and analysis, security of evidence and development of new technologies. This addition will allow for the rapid transition into a fully accredited laboratory system under one roof eliminating the need for duplicate services, allowing for shared resources and flexibility of personnel usage as the demands and priorities of our services change.

     The official dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony will take place on April 23, 2010 at 1400 hrs. Governor M. Jodi Rell, Commissioner John Danaher III (DPS), Commissioner Raeanne V. Curtis (DPW) and Dr. Henry C. Lee (Retired Commission DPS and Chief Emeritus) will be the guest speakers.


Lt. J. Paul Vance
