Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
May 25, 2010
Memorial Day 2010 Enforcement DWI Patrols and Spot Checks

As the unofficial start of summer is celebrated during Memorial Day Weekend, all motorists should consider the safety of others using Connecticut  roadways not only this weekend, but throughout the summer months. Using courteous driving skills, planning for traffic delays and safe travel to and from our destinations are part of a safe Memorial Day Weekend.


The Connecticut State Police are reminding all motorists to please be observant and obey all rules of safety on our roads: BUCKLE UP, OBEY SPEED LIMITS, DON’T FOLLOW TOO CLOSE, HAVE NO DISTRACTIONS WHILE DRIVING,STAY OFF THE CELLPHONE, and NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE.


During Memorial Day Weekend 2010, motorists should be aware that State Police Troopers will use all methods of enforcement to increase highway safety. State Troopers will utilize laser units for speed enforcement and marked & unmarked, non-traditional police vehicles to patrol our highways and roadways. The State Police Aviation Unit will provide an eye from the sky as they also patrol travel roads across the state.

“In the past we have seen several tragedies involving youths and motor vehicles.  These accidents remind us to pause and reflect on how important good driving skills and the actions of drivers can be,” said Col Thomas Davoren Commander of the State  Police said “We are anticipating that increased awareness by motorists and enforcement efforts by Connecticut State Troopers will help to increase safety and provide us with a safe Memorial Day weekend.”


The Connecticut State Police are asking motorists to join the State Police Team by exercising driving courtesy on the roads therefore setting an example for the nation. Every motorist is urged to drive the speed limit, buckle up, avoid using a hand-held cell phone while driving and if you see a suspected drunk driver, stay a safe distance away and call 911, as this is a true emergency. Together the State Police and the citizens of Connecticut can keep Connecticut’s roadways safe.

Sobriety Check Points


Lt. J. Paul Vance

