Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

May 18, 2007

Two Subjects Arrested from Bank Robbery in Colchester

Just before 12:30 today Troop K in Colchester received a report of a robbery at the People’s Bank located at 139 South Main Street in Colchester. Upon the arrival of State Troopers and Colchester Officers; witnesses were able to provide a detail description of the crime, perpetrator(s) and suspect vehicle. A male suspect entered the bank, implied that he was armed and demanded money from the bank teller.

The male suspect fled the bank with a black bag and got into a waiting vehicle being operated by a female. The vehicle description was broadcasted to surrounding patrol vehicles. A State Trooper spotted the suspect vehicle on Route 66 traveling westbound.  The suspects pulled their vehicle into a business parking lot in East Hampton. State Troopers and East Hampton Police Officers conducted a felony motor vehicle stop on the vehicle. State Troopers took the suspects into custody and were placed under arrest.

Two weapons were recovered in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle yielded a bag filled with the same amount of money as reported stolen from the bank. These subjects were taken to Troop K and processed for the arrest of this bank robbery.

The arrested are as follows:

1.      Charles D. ORBANN    age 58  d.o.b. 07/28/1958

             12 Lakeview Street, East Hampton, CT

            Charges- Robbery 1st

                                Larceny 2nd

                               Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony

2.      Dianne M. ORBANN   age 56    d.o.b. 06/26/1950

            12 Lakeview Street, East Hampton, CT

            Charges- Conspiracy to Commit Robbery 1st

                              Conspiracy to Commit Larceny 2nd


These subjects are being held on $500,000 bonds. If they do not make bond they will be presented in Court -G.A. 21 in Norwich on Monday May 21, 2007.###end###
