Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
November 19, 2007
                                          THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY DRIVING

   As Connecticut residents prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday with family and friends, the Connecticut State Police have also implemented plans for enhancement of enforcement and visibility on all highways and roads in Connecticut. Operation C.A.R.E. (Combined Accident Reduction Effort) is an intricate part of the highway safety plan.

   Thanksgiving is by far one of the heaviest traveled holidays of all. Traditionally, Thanksgiving also is the start of the Christmas season. The Connecticut State Police anticipate that the heaviest traffic periods will be Wednesday afternoon and Sunday afternoon and evening.  Motorists voluntarily changing their travel times and driving early in the morning or even during the overnight hours could lend a great hand in reducing traffic tie-ups and the probability of more crashes. 

   As State Police prepare for the large traffic volume a reminder to all motorists that additional State Troopers will be out on patrol. Troopers will patrol in both marked and unmarked patrol cars and also use our non-traditional patrol cars.  The State Police Department will use aircraft, radar, and laser units to monitor and enforce speeds.  Sobriety checkpoints and roving DUI patrols will be utilized to add to the public safety and remove drunk drivers from our highways and roads in Connecticut. Hazardous moving violations do cause crashes. Troopers will watch for and enforce hazardous moving violations such as unsafe lane changes, following too close, and speeding. Remember, drunk driving mixed with high traffic volume is a recipe for disaster.

   The Connecticut State Police Department is urging all motorists to be sure all occupants are buckled up before you even start your car. Connecticut is striving to lead the nation with 100% compliance in seatbelt use by everyone in your car. Buckle up before you start up. Parents remind your college students who are home for the holiday of these safety tips. Remind them that no one wants to spend the holiday at a police station, hospital or even worse.

   Help keep our Connecticut highways the safest in the country. Motorists are also reminded to inspect their car before leaving.  Check your tires, lights, and wipers. Be sure to allow a little extra time and space between cars, and again buckle up.

   If you see a suspected drunk driver, stay a safe distance away and immediately call 911, This is a true emergency. 

   Public Safety Commissioner John A. Danaher III  said, “Your State Police will work very hard to keep all Connecticut roads and highways safe.  I invite all drivers to help us reduce accidents, drive with extra caution this Thanksgiving holiday.  As we do our part through enforcement, please do your part by driving safely”.


Lt. J. Paul Vance
