Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
August 17, 2007


Drunk Driving: Over the Limit, Under Arrest’

Enforcement Effort Seeks to Save Lives

     Drunk driving is one of America’s deadliest crimes. In 2005, nearly 13,000 people died in highway crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. The picture for motorcycle operators is particularly bleak. Forty-one percent of the 1,878 motorcycle operators who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2005 had BAC levels of .08 or higher. 

     That is why Connecicut State Police announced today they will be joining with thousands of other law enforcement agencies across the nation from August 17 throughout the Labor Day holiday to take part in the Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest. A crackdown on impaired driving.

    “Make no mistake. Our message is simple. No matter what you drive—a passenger car, pickup, sport utility vehicle or motorcycle—if we catch you driving impaired, we will arrest you. No exceptions. No excuses,” said Colonel Thomas Davoren Commanding Officer of the Connecticut State Police. "We will be out in force conducting sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols and using undercover officers to get more drunk drivers off the road—and save lives that might otherwise be lost."

   “Driving with a BAC of .08 or higher is illegal in every state. Yet we continue to see far too many people sufferinjuries and loss of their loved ones as a result of impaired driving. This careless disregard for human life must stop. To help ensure that happens, the Connecticut State Police is dedicated to arresting impaired drivers wherever and whenever we find them,” said Public Safety Commissioner John Danaher III.

    Drunk driving is simply not worth the risk. Not only do you risk killing yourself or someone else, but the trauma and financial costs of a crash or an arrest for impaired driving can be significant,Violators often face jail time, the loss of their driver’s license, higher insurance rates, attorney fees, time away from work, and dozens of other expenses.

    “So don’t take the chance. Remember, if you are over the limit, you are under arrest.”



2007 Expanded "Over the Limit, Under Arrest"

DUI Sobriety Check Points and Roving Patrols



               B              08/18/07            Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 41and Caukinstown Road,


                                08/24/07           Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 44 and East West Hill Road,


                                09/01/07            Sobriety Checkpoint: Park Avenue and East Albert Street,

                                                         Torrington. In conjunction with Torrington P.D.

                                                         and the Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit


               G              08/17/07             Sobriety Checkpoint: I-95 Exit #34 N/B Entrance

                                                         Ramp, Milford

                            08/25/07             Sobriety Checkpoint: I-95 Exit #43 N/B                     

                                                      Entrance Ramp, West Haven

                             08/31/07            Sobriety Checkpoint: I-95 Exit #18, Sherwood       

                                                      Island Connector in Westport

                             09/01/07             Roving Patrol: I-95 and Route 25 in Bridgeport


            L               08/18/07             Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 8 Torrington/Litchfield area

                             08/24/07             Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 6 / Route 109,  


                             09/01/07             Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 4 / Route 179,

                                                       Burlington / Canton

                              09/03/07             Roving Patrol: Route 8 Litchfield / Thomaston


            A                08/17/07            Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 W/B Exit #18,

                                                       Waterbury in conjunction with the

                                                       Breath Alcohol Testing Mobile Unit

                              08/25/07             Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 Exit #15 / Route 67,


                              08/31/07              Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 E/B Exit #4, Danbury

                              09/03/07              Roving Patrol: I-84, Danbury area


            H                08/17/07              Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 Exit #48

                                                         W/B Entrance Ramp from Asylum Street

                                                         and Capitol Avenue, Hartford

                              08/18/07               Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 Exit #48

                                                         W/B Entrance Ramp from Asylum Street

                                                         and Capitol Avenue, Hartford

                              08/24/07              Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 Exit #48

                                                         W/B Entrance Ramp from Asylum Street

                                                         and Capitol Avenue, Hartford

                              08/31/07               Sobriety Checkpoint: I-84 Exit #48

                                                          W/B Entrance Ramp from Asylum Street

                                                          and Capitol Avenue, Hartford


            I                  08/24/07               Sobriety Checkpoint: Exit #24,

                                                          Exit & Entrance Ramps to Route 8,

                                                          Beacon Falls

                               08/25/07               Sobriety Checkpoint: I-91 Exit #6 N/B & S/B

                                                           Entrance Ramps

                                08/31/07               Sobriety Checkpoint: I-91 Entrance Ramp

                                                            at Willow Street / Blatchley Avenue,

                                                            New Haven

                                09/01/07               Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 10 Entrance

                                                            and Exit Ramps to Route 40 Connector,



            F                  08/17/07                Sobriety Checkpoint: Townhouse Road /

                                                             Route 17, Durham

                               08/18/07                 Sobriety Checkpoint: Boston Post Road /

                                                             Town Hall, Westbrook

                                08/25/07                Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 153 /

                                                             Essex Savings Bank, Essex

                                09/01/07                 Sobriety Checkpoint: Route 156 /

                                                              Beach area of Sound View, Old Lyme


Lt. J. Paul Vance
