Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
November 14, 2007

Connecticut Department of Public Safety Personnel
Awarded Connecticut Wartime Veterans Service Medal

   On Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007, Connecticut Wartime Veterans Service Medals were presented to personnel from the Connecticut Department of Public Safety during a formal ceremony at the Connecticut Veterans Home in Rocky Hill.

   John A. Danaher III, Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, and Colonel Thomas Davoren, Commander of the State Police, were on hand as the state Department of Veterans Affairs awarded the distinguished Connecticut Wartime Veterans Medal to DPS civilian and sworn personnel who served in the military during wartime. Approximately 100 members of the agency received the award.

   This ceremony, which also included members of the Connecticut Department of Corrections, is the first large presentation of these medals to state employees.

   The Connecticut Veterans Wartime Service Medal was established by Governor M. Jodi Rell and the Connecticut General Assembly in 2005.

   Connecticut has a rich history of honoring returning veterans from war, dating back to the Civil War when the state struck and issued its first veterans medal.  State veterans medals were also issued to Connecticut citizens who returned from service in the Spanish-American War and World War I. After World War I, the tradition of presenting medals to returning state veterans fell off until it was restored in 2005 through this latest medal. The new Connecticut Veterans Wartime Service Medal is patterned closely after the medal issued following World War I, including its distinctive three colors – red, white and blue.  The medal contains the official seals of each branch of the U. S. Armed Services and the words “for service.”

   The following personnel received the medal:

Last name         First Name         Present assignment

Albanese            John                     Sgt. - Troop A

Anderson            Troy                     Sgt. - Special Services

Basak                 Eric                     TFC - Troop D

Bell                     Matthew              Tpr. - Troop A

Bellizzi                Vincent                Tpr. - Troop H

Brezniak              Timothy               TFC - Troop D

Brink                   Timothy               Tpr. - Troop D

Calo                    Thomas               Tpr. - Troop B

Carignan              Roland                Temp. Wkr. Retiree - Casino Unit

Carter                  John                    Polygraph

Ceruti                  John                    TFC - Troop K

Christensen          Daryll                  TFC - Forensic Invest. Compt.

Cipolletta              Gary                   TFC - Troop D

Coleman               Neverill               TFC - Forensic Invest. Compt.

Colon                  Jose                   TFC - Deputy State Fire

Connolly               Darren                Tpr. - Troop H

Cook                    Kevin                  Tpr. - Troop K

Cooke                  Eric                    Sgt. - Training Academy

Davis                   Joe                    Capt. - BSI

Day                      Nathaniel            Tpr. - Training Academy

Delia                    Cono                  Tpr. - Troop L

Dickey                 John                   Sgt. - Troop G

Dubuc                  Jeffrey                TFC - Troop I

Ewing                   Matthew             Tpr. - Troop K

Faughnan             Brian                  TFC - Canine

Festa                   Barbara               Mstr Sgt. - Troop G

Freyer                  Max                    TFC - Troop D

Garnett                 Darwin                Tpr. - Training Academy

Girard                   Robert                TFC - Troop C

Godin                   Gary                   Office Assist. - Emerg. Services

Gould                   Edward               Lt. - SNTF

Griffin                  Frank                  Capt. - Eastern District

Gwiazda               Andrew               Tpr. - Training Academy

Hardell                 John                   Sgt. - Troop D

Hare                     David                 Tpr. - Troop A

Hassan                Dane                  TFC - SNTF

Hassett                Michael              Sgt. Troop E

Henderson            William               Casino Unit

High                     Christopher         TFC - Emergency Services

Jeltema                Christine             Tpr. - Troop A

Johnson               Harold                 TFC - Selections Unit

Jones                   Chaun                TFC - Troop F

Kananowicz          John                   Sgt. - Deputy State Fire

Kasacek               Sarah                 Capt. - Western District

Kellett                  Michael               Fire Marshall

Kelly                    William               Sgt. - Central District

Kenney                Gregory               Sgt. - Troop L

Klepps, Jr.            Robert                Disp. - Troop L

Kowal                   Michael              SNTF (UVTF)

Kowal                   Wayne               Trainer - SNTF

Labbe, Jr.             Clifford                Sgt. - Troop D

Lauretano             Mark                  TFC - Troop B

Lavoie                  David                  TFC - Troop D

Lombardi              Joseph               Tpr. - Troop D

Luke, Jr.               David                 TFC - Troop K

Marsh                  Joseph               Tpr. - Troop D

Mesham               John                  TFC - Troop F

Miller                    Kevin                 TFC - Troop K

Moore                 Kevin                  Tpr. - Troop K

Norkus                 Jeffrey                Sgt. - Troop B

O'Hanlon              Timothy              TFC - Troop A

Orlowski              Steven                TFC - Troop H

Pagoni                 Benjamin            Lt - Inspections

Pagoni, Jr.            Benjamin           Tpr. - Troop G

Pederson              Paul                  Tpr. - Troop F
Peluso                 Dean                  Tpr. - Troop E

Perez                   Jose                  Troop W

Peterson              Bryan                Disp. - Troop L

Petruniw               Wladimir            Lt. - SNTF

Poach                  Jeffrey                Tpr. - Training Academy

Rea                      Brendan             TFC - Troop K

Redmond             Eugene              Cilivian - SPBI

Reidy                   Michael              TFC - Background Investigations

Roden                  Joseph               Tpr. - Troop L

Rupsis                 Steven                TFC - Troop A

Rush-Kittle           Regina                Lt. - Troop K

Salas                   Gustavo             TFC - SNTF

Saunders              Michael              TFC - Offender Registry

Savitski                Ronald               HR

Schweitzer           Jonathan            Temp. Wkr. Retiree - Casino Unit

Scott                    James               TFC - Troop I

Smith                   Howard              Tpr. - Troop D

Sorrell                  Christopher         TFC - Western District

Southworth           David                  Tpr. - Troop K

Stevens                Todd                  Sgt. - Troop E

Sullivan                Martin                 Tpr. - Troop E

Sutherland            Corey                 Troop K

Tate, Jr.                William              PIO

Thompson            John                   Sgt. - Troop F

Trotter                  Erik                   Troop D

Valdes                 Rodney              Troop A

Villar                    Christopher        Troop B

Whitaker              Bruce                 Lt - SNTF

Wilson                 Perry                 Troop G

Woods                 Richard              Troop D
