Professional Bail Bondsman

There are two types of bail bondsmen. Professional Bail Bondsmen issue bonds underwritten by their personal assets. Professional Bail Bondsmen are licensed by the Connecticut State Police in accordance with (CGS) Connecticut General Statute 29-144 through 152. Insurance or Surety Bond Agents are licensed by the State Insurance Department in accordance with CGS 38a-660 and 660a, and issue bonds underwritten by an insurance company.

The Connecticut Insurance Department is located at 153 Market Street, Hartford, CT 06103, and can be contacted at (860) 297-3845 concerning licensing questions or to obtain an application.

Persons wishing to obtain a Professional Bail Bond License must apply to the Connecticut State Police, Special License and Firearms Unit, located at Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT 06457; telephone number: (860) 685-8160.

Information can be found in the following categories:


Any person who furnishes bail in five or more criminal cases in any one year, whether for compensation or otherwise, shall be deemed a professional bail bondsman and must obtain a license. The license requirements are set forth in CGS 29-145. Applicants must submit an application detailing their name, age, residence and occupation. A statement of financial standing, including assets and liabilities of the applicant must be submitted. The applicant must also disclose if they have ever been convicted of a crime. The fingerprints and photographs of the applicant are also collected. A detailed background investigation is conducted to determine the suitability of the applicant and verify their financial status. A person vested with police powers is ineligible to be licensed as a professional bail bondsman. A license is issued for a period of 1 year. The cost of a license is $200.00.


Each applicant for a new Professional Bondsman’s License must submit the following information. All materials must be submitted to this office within sixty days from the date of application. Failure to submit the information within the specified time period will require completion of another complete application with updated information.

  1. The application forms (DPS-166-C and DPS-165-C) accurately completed.
  2. Two current 2” x 2” passport style, full face frontal posed photographs
  3. One fingerprint card.
  4. A cashiers check or money, $13.25 and $75.00 both payable to Treasurer, State of Connecticut.
  5. Motor vehicle driving record for the past five (5) years from the motor vehicle licensing agency in the state or states where the applicant resides.
  6. A copy of the applicant’s valid driver's license.
  7. A copy of a DD-214 and other documentation to indicate the type of discharge if the applicant has been in the military service.
  8. Four letters of character reference to be sent directly from the author to the Special Licensing & Firearms Unit, ATTN: BONDSMEN. Letters must include the addresses and telephone numbers where the authors may be reached. Form letters are not acceptable and will be returned.
  9. A letter of discharge from the respective department if the applicant is retired or separated from a local or state police department.
  10. A current credit bureau report.
  11. Proof of legal residency for non-citizens.
Monthly Report

All persons licensed as a professional bondsmen are required to submit monthly activity reports to the Special License and Firearms Unit. The reports detail the total number of bonds issued, name of accused, court location, face amount of the bond, date posted, release date, etc. The purpose of the report is to keep an accounting of the bondsman’s commitments and unexpended bond limit. A ledger sheet (Form DPS-124-C) and cover sheet (Form DPS-145-C) are provided for this purpose. The forms must be notarized and are submitted under oath.. Persons that provide false information on the forms will be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution for providing false statements. Additional information and instructions for completing the monthly reports can be found in the “Administrative Guidelines and Rules for Professional Bondsmen".

Annual Report

All persons licensed as a professional bondsmen are required to submit annual reports to the Special License and Firearms Unit. The reports detail the total number of bonds issued, subject name, amount of bond, fee charged, etc.. The purpose of the report is to keep an accounting of the bondsman’s activity and financial status. A ledger sheet (Form DPS-160-C1) and cover sheet (Form DPS-160-C2) are provided for this purpose. The forms must be notarized and are submitted under oath.. Persons that provide false information on the forms will be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution for providing false statements. Additional information and instructions for completing the annual report can be found in the “Administrative Guidelines and Rules for Professional Bondsmen”.

Annual License Renewal

A professional bail bond license is issued for a period of 1 year. 90 days prior to the expiration of a license, the Special License and Firearms Unit will mail the licensee a renewal application. The renewal application includes form DPS-166-C-1 (Renewal Application) and form DPS-165-C (Statement of Financial Responsibility). The licensee must complete and submit the application prior to the expiration of the license. The application will be reviewed by SLFU to determine the continued fitness and financial responsibility of the bondsman to retain the license. The cost of renewing the license for a period of 1 year is $200.00. The licensing fee shall be made payable to the “Treasuer, State of Connecticut” in the form of a check or money order. No cash is accepted.

Supplemental Firearms Permit

CGS 29-152m requires that any professional bondsmen licensed under Chapter 533, surety bail bond agent licensed under chapter 700f, or bail enforcement agent licensed under sections 29-152f to 29-152i, inclusive, that desires to carry a pistol, revolver or other firearm while engaging in the business of a professional bondsmen, surety bail bond agent or bail enforcement agent, as the case may be, or while traveling to or from such business, must first obtain a special permit from the Commissioner of Public Safety. The permit is issued in accordance with subsection (b) of 29-152m. The permit is in addition to the permit requirements imposed under CGS 29-28.

Applicants for a permit must complete a course of instruction approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The course is offered by private instructors and involves classroom training in safety and use of firearms and range qualification. Upon completion of the course, the firearm instructor signs off on the reverse side of the application form. The application form is then submitted to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit. A $62.00 application fee is charged for issuance of the permit. The permit is good for 5 years unless suspended or revoked, and runs parallel with the expiration date of the Connecticut State Pistol Permit.

The Supplemental Firearm Permit Application Form must be obtained from SLFU. The form can not be downloaded off the website. You can arrange to have an application form mailed to you by calling (860) 685-8160 and requesting same. A list of approved firearm instructors and curriculums is provided with the application form or can be accessed below.

Form Number Form Name
DPS-166-c Application for License
DPS-165-c Statement of Financial Responsibility
DPS-522-c  ---
DPS-166-c-1 Renewal Application
DPS-145-c Cover Letter, Monthly Report
DPS-124-c Professional Bondsmen Monthly Report
DPS-160-c2 Cover Letter, Annual Report
DPS-160-c1 Professional Bondsmen, Annual Report
Authorization for Release of Personal Information

Last Date Modified: 11/07/2018