Flood Management and Natural Hazard Mitigation

Information Resources
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Hazard Mitigation (link to CT Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security)
FEMA 2013 Natural Hazards Mitigation Planning Guidance Document for single and multi-jurisdictional plans

The Torrent - Archived Newsletters about floodplain management issues and FEMA programs

Rising Waters: Planning for Flooding in Connecticut - An educational video that highlights flooding scenarios within our state along with the social and economic impacts of flooding, and opportunities for mitigation. The video aims to increase the knowledge base of municipal officials to make informed decisions and effective choices supporting resilience. (Video length - 15 minutes)
Connecticut DEEP Flood Management Certification Program
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 25-68b through 25-68h require any state agency proposing an activity within or affecting a floodplain or that impacts natural or man-made storm drainage facilities to submit a flood management certification to DEEP.
- DEEP's Flood Management Certification Fact Sheet
- Method for calculating the 500 year Flood Elevation in a FEMA Designated Coastal Flood Hazard Area for the purpose of obtaining a Flood Management Certificate from DEEP
- Connecticut Department of Housing Frequently Asked Questions
State Funded and Sponsored Housing Projects: Flowchart for Flood Management Certification Process
- Steps 1 and 2 - Is a Flood Management Certification Required? and Project Siting
- Step 3 - Determining Project Complexity
- Step 4 - Flood Management Certification Application and Review
For further information contact the Land and Water Resources Division at 860-424-3706.
Content last updated March 10, 2020.