Officially Designated Connecticut Greenways

Map of Officially Designated Greenways (2001 -2019) (PDF)
Connecticut Greenways Council
Officially Designated Greenways (2001 – 2018)
Mianus River Greenway (Greenwich/Stamford) – This riparian corridor has as a primary goal the protection of the water quality of the Mianus River and the preservation of the adjacent uplands. It continues north with the river into New York and includes properties owned by the State, municipalities, and private conservation organizations.
Norwalk Heritage Greenway – This greenway links together a number of attractions in Norwalk, including the Maritime Center , the Lockwood-Matthews Museum, and the new Heritage Park. It will continue north toward Wilton along a planned bike path.
Pequonnock/Housatonic Railbed Greenway – Located along an the path of an abandoned rail line, this recreational trail will eventually extend from Bridgeport through Trumbull and Monroe to the Newtown line.
Housatonic Riverbelt Greenway – This corridor extends from the northwestern corner of the state to the Housatonic River’s mouth in Stratford. Envisioned primarily as a measure to protect the river and its surrounding open spaces and scenic vistas, the greenway also provides opportunities for a variety of recreational activities.
Shepaug Greenway – A project of the Steep Rock Association and the Roxbury Land Trust, this greenway protects the open spaces and important habitats in the Shepaug River watershed.
Larkin State Park Trail – This multi-use trail was originally a rail line running between Waterbury and Brewster, NY. In 1943, several years after the railway had been abandoned, Dr. Charles Larkin donated a 10.3 mile section to the state as a park and bridle trail. Details on trail access are on the State Park Trail map.
Farmington Canal Heritage Trail – Running the length of the state from New Haven to Suffield, this trail follows the path of the 19th century Farmington Canal. Converted to rail use until 1982, the corridor was saved for public use by a coalition of citizens and converted to a recreation path.
Blue Blazed Trail System – Working with public and private landowners, the Connecticut Forest and Parks Association has put together over 700 miles of hiking trails over the past 70 years. Today, however, many of these trails are endangered by development. The CFPA is striving to assure that new connections can be found when trail sections are interrupted.
Connecticut Forest and Park Association (CFPA) - Blue Blazed Trails
Eight Mile River Greenway – The Eight Mile River is a high-quality waterway which has played a key role in the DEEP’s salmon restoration efforts. Much of the adjacent land is undeveloped. The towns of Lyme, East Haddam, and Salem signed a conservation compact to protect the river, and have been working with the state and other conservation partners to purchase critical open space lands in the corridor. The Eight Mile has been proposed for federal Wild and Scenic River status.
Hockanum River Linear Park – Since the 1970s individuals, municipalities, and the state have taken steps to clean up the Hockanum River and make it a useful spot for natural resource protection and passive recreation. The Hockanum River Linear Park Committee has actively maintained the trail systems and works to ensure public access along the river, and they offer regular guided walks along the trails.
Charter Oak Greenway – Paralleling Route 384 in East Hartford and Manchester, the Charter Oak Greenway was constructed by the CT DOT and is a key link for those who wish to commute to Hartford on foot, or especially by bicycle. Plans call for the extension of this trail to Riverfront Recapture in Hartford and to the Hop River State Park Trail in Bolton, helping to create a corridor which will eventually stretch to Providence, RI and beyond.
Pathways through Connecticut - Trail Description/Map
- East Hartford Section
- Manchester Section (Eastern)
- Manchester Section (Western)
Hop River State Park Trail – This trail, on an old rail bed, connects the Charter Oak and Air Line trails. The DEEP and the towns have worked in cooperation to develop the greenway, which serves hikers, bikers, and equestrians. Local contacts: Rod Parlee, Bolton Conservation Commission, (860) 643-2948; David Buckley, DEEP Parks Division, (860) 295-9523;
North and South Branches of the Park River – The Park River is a key natural resource within the City of Hartford, and it has the potential to be revived as a prime recreational, historic, and ecologically vital corridor. The Park River Greenway will be designed as a recreational pathway and a commuter route, and has the potential to connect to regional greenway systems.
Woodbridge Greenway Trails – The Woodbridge Greenway Trail is a 12-mile corridor that provides passive recreation, protection of natural habitats, and preservation of community character as it connects open spaces. It is a central link in a regional greenway system which includes New Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Seymour, Ansonia, and Derby.
Middlebury Greenway – The Middlebury Greenway is an eight-mile long path running along an old trolley right of way from the Lake Quassapaug area to Route 63 and is rich in history.. It connects the town’s public parks and recreational facilities and passes through a variety of natural areas. Portions of the greenway also pass through the business district, allowing patrons to walk or bike rather than drive.
Trolley Trail –This paved, multi use trail in Plainfield is a key link in the East Coast Greenway, helping to connect the Air Line State Park Trail with the Moosup Valley State Park Trail as part of a greater Hartford to Providence corridor.
Quinebaug River Multi-Purpose Trail –This multi-use trail in Killingly is also part of the East Coast Greenway. It connects will eventually connect the Air Line State Park Trail in Putnam to the trail system in Plainfield and on to the Rhode Island border.
Shelton Greenways System – Shelton has an extensive greenway system which links all parts of the city with open spaces, trails, and bike paths. The greenways help preserve the balance between economic growth and natural resource protection in an area of rapid development. Alternative transportation is encouraged in these corridors as well, as schools, residential areas, and town centers are linked via a variety of pathways
Colchester Greenway System - Judd Brook, Meadow Brook, and Pine Brook Greenways help to connect the Air Line State Park Trail with local trail segments, open spaces, schools and municipal buildings, and agricultural lands and protect critical natural resources.
Scantic River Park, Enfield - This greenway encompasses land along the Scantic River, providing a critical link in a corridor connecting Somers, Enfield, East Windsor, and South Windsor. The Scantic River corridor has been identified by the DEEP as a resource protection area.
Still River Greenway - The Still River Greenway is an example of a multi-functional corridor that combines river restoration, resource protection, recreation, and education along one pathway, currently starting in Danbury and continuing into Brookfield. It is the result of efforts by diverse interests throughout the greater Danbury area to recapture a connection to the river.
Norwalk River Valley Linear Trail - An extension of the Greenway designated in 2001, this section of the Norwalk River Valley Linear Trail will expand walking and biking opportunities from the shoreline north toward the city’s border with Wilton.
Newtown Greenway System -The four primary corridors being designated include the Pootatuck River Greenway, the Lake Zoar Greenway, the Lower Paugussett State Forest Greenway, and the Huntington State Park Greenway. These corridors form an interconnected system of multi use trails radiating out from the center of town, linking many open space resources.
Milford Greenway System - Milford has nominated four corridors that protect the significant waterways running north/south through the city. These include the Wepawaug River corridor, the Beaverbrook and Housatonic River corridor, the Indian River-Stubby Plain Brook corridor, and the Farley Brook/Crystal River corridor.
Quinnipiac River Greenway -The towns of New Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Wallingford, Cheshire, Meriden, Southington and Plainville have signed an intermunicipal compact which will provide public recreation, environmental education, and protection of natural resources in the Quinnipiac River watershed.
Shade Swamp Sanctuary - Shade Swamp Sanctuary is an 800-acre preserve owned by the DEP and managed with assistance from the Farmington Garden Club. The Sanctuary provide habitat protection for wildlife, and there is a nature trail on the site. This property will eventually link with the Farmington Canal and the Farmington River Trails.
Newington Greenway System - Newington Trails is made up of four corridors including the Cedar Mountain/Balf Park Ridgeline Vista Trail, the Rock Hole Brook and Young’s Farm Greenway, the Twenty Rod Road and Candlewick Greenway, and the Piper Brook Flood Control Greenway. These areas provide opportunities for walking and other passive recreation as well as protecting natural resources and scenic views.
Willimantic River Greenway - The greenway includes natural resource protection on both sides of the Willimantic River to protect habitat, water quality, and scenic views. In addition, recreational opportunities will be developed both along the river for hikers and bikers and on the water for canoes and kayaks. The towns of Columbia, Coventry, Ellington, Lebanon, Mansfield, Stafford, Tolland, Willington, and Windham are participating in the effort.
New London Waterfront Walkway/Bikeway -This walkway/bikeway will connect the Fort Trumbull restoration project, downtown, and transportation centers to Connecticut College.
Neck River Corridor Protection Project – Madison
The Madison Land Trust has developed a plan to protect the corridor of the Neck River, the only river the runs its entire course in the town. The goal includes the purchase of the Neck River Uplands, 115 acres of land that drain a significant portion of the river’s upper watershed. The corridor, currently 160 acres, connects to other land trust holdings and to properties protected by the South Central Regional Water Authority, the Nature Conservancy, and other municipal and state lands.
Bantam River Historical and Conservation Greenway – Goshen
This Greenway, which encompasses historical education and resource protection, will include 260 acres owned by the Goshen Land Trust. Future plans could incorporate thousands of additional acres of preserved land along the Bantam River.
Old Lyme Greenway – Old Lyme
The Old Lyme Greenway, established in 1997 under the town’s Open Space Plan, has also been recognized in its Plan of Conservation and Development. The Nature Conservancy has also identified open space in Old Lyme as a key component in the preservation of the lower Connecticut River Basin. The town has been active in acquiring and linking parcels of open space with the goals of providing passive recreation, resource protection, and preservation of the rural character of the area.
2005 - No Greenways Dedicated
Naugatuck River - Torrington Section
The Naugatuck River is one of the most significant natural resources in the Litchfield Hills. In addition to its many natural resource characteristics and rich history, the river corridor has excellent potential for passive recreational development such as trails and improved fishing access.
Little River - Putnam and Woodstock
The Little River greenway protects a public water drinking supply surface intake, provides a wildlife corridor linking several parcels of committed open space and wetlands, and potentially links other trails in adjacent towns such as the River Walk in Putnam to Woodstock’s local Historic District. It is accessible to elementary school children, hikers, bikers and canoeists; and could become linked to a National Scenic Byway (Route 169). The greenway includes land along the Little River, Muddy Brook, and Roseland Lake.
Natchaug River Watershed - Ashford, Chaplin, Eastford, Mansfield, Union, Windham, Woodstock
The Natchaug River System is recognized by federal, state, local, and private agencies as a benchmark stream for water quality containing a rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. The Natchaug provides trophy trout fishing, paddling, hiking, history, and beauty to area residents and visitors as well as supplying drinking water for the City of Willimantic. The State of Connecticut, US Army Corp of Engineers, private land trusts, and large private landowners holds much of the land within the watershed.
Mount Hope River - Mansfield and Ashford
The Mount Hope River watershed is comprised primarily of open land that provides area residents and visitors with an abundance of recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, and a connection to the landscape. Large parcels within the Mount Hope watershed are held as open space by the State of Connecticut, land trusts, universities, camps, towns, and large landowners. The Nipmuck Trail, a state-designated greenway passes through the watershed.
Fenton River - Ashford, Mansfield, Willington
The Fenton River is a watercourse of high water quality and fish habitat, and hosts a population of wild native trout. It is one of six rivers in northeastern Connecticut that is designated by the Connecticut DEEP as a Wild Trout Management Area. This river, its tributaries, and associated riparian corridor provide fishing, paddling, hiking, wildlife habitat, trapping, hunting, history, and beauty to are residents and visitors. It further supplies a portion of the drinking water for the City of Willimantic, the University of Connecticut, and local wells in the Towns of Willington and Mansfield.
Connecticut River Gateway Zone
In 1973 the General Assembly established a "CT River Gateway Commission", a state-local compact protecting the lower stretch of the river from Haddam and East Haddam to the Sound. The result is that the Gateway zone retains most of its scenic and resource protection values. It has been named a "Last Great Place" by the Nature Conservancy; an estuary of global significance by the International Ramsar treaty; a National Heritage River by the Clinton administration; and it contains part of the Conte National Wildlife Refuge.
Judd Brook Connector, Sherman’s Brook Greenway, and Ruby Cohen Focus Area, Colchester
These greenways add significant protection to areas including riparian buffers and wetlands, as well as developing linkages between a number of the town’s open space and recreation areas. The Town utilizes old roads as potential greenway and trail spines, and discontinued town roads are a key element of these greenways.
Tankerhoosen Greenway, Vernon
The Tankerhoosen River is one of the most important watercourses within the Connecticut and Hockanum River Watersheds. Seventy per cent of its watershed lies within the Town of Vernon. The Town of Vernon's Open Space Plan calls for a 2000-acre greenway along the Tankerhoosen. To date 1480 have been preserved and 520 are planned for acquisition or preservation within the town. The greenway links to the Hop River Trail, Bolton Notch State Park, and the proposed Box Mountain Greenway. There are many connecting recreational trails within the greenway, including the Vernon Rails to Trails, Valley Falls Park trails and Belding Wildlife Management Area trails.
Blackledge River Greenway, Marlborough
The Blackledge River is a major tributary to the Salmon River, which is in turn a Special Focus Area for fisheries. The Greenway contains significant community assets, including cultural, historical and natural resources that contribute to the character of the community and the State. These include historical mill sites that lend themselves to archeological and cultural exploration. There are additional opportunities for natural resource education, active and passive recreation, and the protection of a diverse community of native plant and animal species.
Naugatuck River, Litchfield/Harwinton Section
The Naugatuck River is one of the most significant natural resources in the Litchfield Hills. In addition to its many natural resource characteristics and rich history, the river corridor has excellent potential for passive recreational development such as trails and improved fishing access. Designation of this section will provide an important link between previously designated sections of the river to the north and south.
Mill River Greenway, Stamford
Mill River Greenway is a planned 3-mile greenway segment connecting Salsa Park to Kosciusko and Southfield Parks on Long Island Sound. It is the first part of Stamford’s long-term vision to create a greenway along the entire Mill/Ropeway River from the Sound to the New York State line. It will help to restore the Mill River and its riparian habitat, improve water quality, and provide a recreation venue for walking, jogging and cycling in a natural environment through Stamford Downtown. It will reconnect wildlife corridors in the City and become the trunk connector of a new open space network. The larger greenway will eventually intersect with the East Coast Greenway and connect to publicly accessible water company lands along the river in North Stamford.
Stamford has been acquiring properties along the river for 15 years to control its banks and create the greenway and Mill River Park that is the 1-mile long 26-acre centerpiece of this downtown reach of the greenway. Stamford and the Army Corps of Engineers have completed design of the restoration of the river including the removal of the Mill Pond dam and walls, removal of an old dam at Pulaski Street, restoration of two saltwater marshes and remediation of invasive knotweed along the river’s banks. The City has hired a design team for the middle section and completed the master plan; design development and submission of permit applications to CT DEEP.
Pope Park Greenway, Hartford
The greenway is a major component of the overall Pope Park Master Plan developed in 2000 to restore Pope Park. The greenway extends 1 mile through the Pope Park and is the connector between the Park River Greenway- South Branch Trail and the Capital Avenue bikeway providing 5 miles of continuous trail making health & fitness as well as woodland experiences available for city residents and visitors.
Scantic River Greenway, Enfield
This year’s designation is an expansion of the 2002 designated Scantic River State Park greenway in Enfield to include the area around Mill Pond. The Scantic River has served as a recreational and educational area for many years. Countless residents of Enfield and the surrounding area have benefited greatly from the many activities that the Scantic River Watershed Association has worked tirelessly to make accessible to the community. The State DEEP and the town of Enfield are in the process of updating the 1989 Scantic River State Park Master Plan that provides hiking trails, fishing access and historical interpretation. The greenway has the following characteristics:
- Protects natural resources, preserves scenic landscapes and historical resources.
- Connects existing protected areas and provides access to the outdoors.
- Is along side a waterway, a man-made canal system and dam(s) and traditional trail routes.
- Is a green space neighboring the Somersville village and historical sites.
Scantic River Greenway Extension
The 2009 Scantic River Greenway Designation is for an extension of the 2008 Designated Scantic River Greenway and the 2002 Designated Scantic River Park Greenway in Enfield. The multi-function greenway encompasses the Scantic River linking sections along the Enfield corridor to the Town line in East Windsor. The Greenway area is one of the most important natural resources in Enfield and enjoyed by a great number of its citizens on a daily basis. Characteristics include natural resource protection, recreational opportunity, and protection of unique geologic and historic features. The Scantic River Watershed Association is the acting steward working closely with the local municipalities and citizens. See their website:
Steele Brook Greenway, Watertown
This brook begins in the northern reaches of Watertown and flows south to the Naugatuck River in Waterbury. The establishment of the Steele Brook Greenway form Watertown to Oakville is the first step in getting citizens access to the brook which is an important community water resource providing active and passive recreation. The Town also obtained an America the Beautiful Grant that will be utilized to plant specimen trees and create a “Heritage Trail”. A goal is to connect to the Naugatuck River Greenway and provide other links throughout Watertown.
Shoreline Greenway Trail, New Haven to Madison
The Shoreline Greenway Trail will run through meadows and woods along the Sound from Lighthouse Point on New Haven Harbor for twenty-five miles to Hammonasset State Park in Madison. The trail will provide recreational, transportation and educational opportunities for all Connecticut residents. The Shoreline Greenway Trail, Inc. a non-profit organization has been fundraising, educating potential property owners and working on designing, building and maintaining this trail since 2003. Visit the website at:
Five Mile River, Thompson, Putnam, Killingly – Communities agree that the Five Mile River corridor is a very special feature of northeast Connecticut. Much of the river flows through rural portions of the above three towns, and in Thompson and Putnam, Connecticut, is characterized by large undeveloped tracts of forest and wetlands, supporting diverse habitats and wildlife. The greenway connects to numerous trail systems in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts and provides exceptional recreational opportunities to residents and visitors alike. The southernmost portion of the greenway encompasses the historic mill village of Ballouville, in Killingly, including Daniels Village, a National Register archaeological site. For more information contact Kevin Kennedy, AICP, Director of Planning & Development See photos of the Five Mile River.
Salmon Brook, Granby – The Salmon Brook is arguably the most important tributary of the lower Farmington River for its high-quality habitat and water quality. The Salmon Brook corridor has a higher percentage of forest cover than that of the lower Farmington. The water-filtering effect of forested land, plus the shading and tree debris it provides to the streams, is conducive to both high water quality and good fish habitat. The quality of habitat is reflected in the diversity of fish species. Salmon Brook is judged to be an excellent nursery for juvenile salmon and a future spawning habitat for a restored salmon population. The DEEP stocks salmon fry here every year. For more information contact The Farmington River Watershed Assoc. at 860-658-4442 x 204.
The Ives Trail, Danbury- The greenway trail passes historic sites associated with the musician Charles Ives, including his birthplace home museum and Pine Mountain where he was inspired by the outdoor sounds of the environment. Educational kiosks along the trail illustrate the life of Charles Ives and provide the greenway user with an appreciation of the link between art and nature. Audio kiosks with short recordings of Charles Ives music will be installed in 2010 as the final capstone of the Danbury section of the Trail. Visit this website for more information.
West Mountain Trails, Simsbury - Simsbury Land Trust's West Mountain Trails are a series of hiking trails connecting the land trust's trailhead at 60 Westledge Road in West Simsbury, on the south, with Town of Simsbury open space at the north end of North Saddle Ridge Drive. The walks include a short loop, formed by the yellow trail and part of the red trail, within the 33-acre 60 Westledge Road property. The walk, in the floodplain and along the banks of Hop Brook, provides a woodland experience even to less robust walkers. The more taxing red trail continues north along the ridgeline, affording excellent views across the Farmington Valley and beyond. Walkers seeking only the ridgeline hike can achieve some variety by returning to the trailhead via the green trail. The blue trail takes walkers into a rift valley of great geological importance and along the foot of a splendid talus slope. The red and blue trails are connected near their north ends by the white trail, which gives access to North Saddle Ridge Drive and its adjacent neighborhoods. Contact the Simsbury Land Trust:
8 Mile Brook, Oxford - The Eight Mile Brook Greenway links properties along its shores, while on its way to the Housatonic River and an existing Housatonic River Corridor Greenway. The properties that are within this proposed greenway are: Southford Falls State Park, Agnes Schiavi Tetlak Park, Cubberly/Christopher Court Preserve, Posypanko Park, the Oxford Land Trust Dann Preserve and future Pilot’s Mall open-space parcel connecting the bridal trail to the Eight Mile Brook proposed Greenway. In addition, another property that will close soon is the Belinsky 50’ easement along Eight Mile Brook. The Oxford Eight Mile Brook designation is a nearly 4.5 mile key link in connecting Southbury, Oxford and Seymour to the Housatonic River Corridor Greenway. This greenway increases the potential of adding more parcels along Eight Mile Brook and protects and preserves Eight Mile Brook. Contact the Town of Oxford:
4 Mile Brook, Oxford - The Oxford Four Mile Brook Greenway includes trails throughout the Rockhouse Hill Preserve, joining Seymour’s Mitchell Forest Open Space and adjacent to the Seymour Naugatuck segment of the Naugatuck State Park. There are trails that lead from Rockhouse into these existing open spaces. Rockhouse consists of 520 acres of rolling woodlands, waterway and wetlands with historic foundations and stone walls scattered throughout the various parcels. Contact the Town of Oxford:
The Bigelow Brook Greenway, Manchester- The Bigelow Brook Greenway is planned to preserve and restore the brook from Manchester’s Center Springs Park pond to its confluence with the Hockanum River. The brook travels under the raised historic Cheney Rail Trail, around the rear of the proposed Broad Street Redevelopment Area (former Manchester Parkade) and to the beautiful 20-acre Purdy Nature Park and its one mile loop hiking trail before finally passing the rear of the historic Hilliard Mills (undergoing renovation) to its confluence with the Hockanum River. The greenway terminates at the existing Hockanum River Linear Park hiking trail system on Hilliard Street where a future linkage with the Interstate 84 Bikeway (an extension of the East Coast Greenway) is possible beyond East Catholic and Cheney Technical High Schools. See map or contact Town of Manchester Conservation Commission
Canterbury’s Quinebaug River Corridor – This greenway is a continuance of CT’s previously designated “Quinebaug River Multipurpose Trail” in Brooklyn/Killingly and the Trolley Trail in Plainfield. Designation of Canterbury’s section of this greenway is felt to be the Town’s next natural step in promoting stewardship, conservation and education of Canterbury’s best natural resource. Contact Canterbury's Town Planner for more information
Litchfield Community Greenway, Litchfield – The Litchfield Community Greenway is a part of a larger plan first proposed by the Town of Litchfield Plan of Conservation and Development, which was adopted in 2007. That plan proposes a system of walking trails linking the village centers and recreational resources of the town. The current Greenway’s focus is to develop the old Shepaug Railroad bed into a recreational trail. Visit the greenway website:
Pomperaug River Greenway, Woodbury – Through the auspices of the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition, the Town of Woodbury has developed a Pomperaug River Greenway Plan (including the Nonnewaug and Weekeepeemee Rivers) that preserves the rivers’ environmental integrity and maximizes benefits to residents. The newly designated greenway system protects natural resources, connects existing protected areas and provides access to the outdoors.
Scantic River Greenway (extension), South Windsor – This is an extension of the 2010 designation of the Scantic River Greenway in East Windsor. It is a 2.5 mile section of the Scantic River from the East Windsor town line to the Connecticut River in South Windsor. This section is a very important natural resource in South Windsor, encompasses some of the richest history in the region, and will expand on existing multi-use, non-motorized, trail systems and waterways. The entire Scantic River is now an Official CT Greenway. For more information visit: Scantic River Watershed
Shetucket River Greenway - The Shetucket River is recognized by federal, state, local and private agencies as a valuable wildlife habitat for a rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. The natural, historic and recreational resources enjoyed by communities are dependent upon the continued conservation along the river. This designation will facilitate natural resource protection on both sides of the Shetucket River as well as increasing public recreational opportunities. The participating communities in the Shetucket River Greenway will work to preserve the waters quality as well as the habitats within the greenway through community education and promotion of the natural, historic and recreation resources of the river corridor. For more information contact Scotland Planning & Zoning
The Menunketesuck - Cockaponset Regional (MCR) Greenway - The MCR Greenway’s purpose is to protect the private and working forest land, water quality and quantity, wildlife habitat, public recreation, and scenic resources that create the character and economic vitality of the lower Connecticut River and Coastal Region. The quality of our community character and environment is of utmost importance to each of the participating communities of Westbrook, Clinton, Deep River, Killingworth, Chester, and Haddam. For more information contact Margot Burns at the Lower CT River Valley Regional Planning Agency.
The Menunketesuck Greenway - This greenway connects the Menunketesuck-Cockaponsett Regional Greenway (detailed above), to Long Island Sound. This section in Westbrook is of a different character than the MCR Greenway to the north and therefor serves a different function and purpose. Within the Menunketesuck Greenway, over 1500 acres are currently preserved as open space in the Towns of Westbrook and Clinton. The Greenway includes the Kirtland Landing Boat Launch at the head of the Menunketesuck River and extends through the Stewart McKinney Wildlife Refuge providing access to Long Island Sound. For more information contact Meg Parulis, Westbrook Town Planner.
Pomperaug River Greenway, Southbury - The Pomperaug River is an artery of vital significance to the people and Town of Southbury, moreover it is a connecting force withing the multi-town watershed region. Named for the sachem of the Paugusset Indian tribe that lived along its banks, it has been the center for historical development of our modern communities. The progression of mills, factories, and farms transitioning more recently to modern businesses, schools, parks and residential areas, have centered on and benefitted from the river and its underlying aquifer. In particular, today the most significant local and regional supply of drinking water resides along the banks of the Pomperaug in Southbury. For more information, visit The Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition's website.
The Quinnipiac River Gorge Trail - Construction of the 1.3 mile linear trail alongside the Quinnipiac River in the City of Meriden was completed in 2007. The Gorge Trail is a ten-foot wide asphalt multi-use trail with the use of motorized vehicles prohibited. The paved trail has been constructed to adhere to A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements for handicapped accessibility. The trail sits on the railroad bed of the Meriden, Waterbury & Connecticut River Railroad (circa 1890’s) and provides scenic viewing areas along the Quinnipiac River. The City of Meriden and the Inland Fisheries Division of the CT DEEP entered into a cooperative effort to enhance habitat in the Quinnipiac River. These enhancements involved the construction of two rock vanes along the Quinnipiac River bank. These structures create thermal refuges, which are critical for trout during the summer months when river water increases above optimum temperatures for their survival. For more information visit The City's website.
Shetucket River Greenway Extension - Lisbon, Preston and Norwich. The Shetucket River is a 25 mile tributray of the Thames River. It flows through the towns of Windham, Franklin, Scotland, Sprague, (section designated by the CT Greenways Council in 2011) Lisbon, Preston and Norwich ending at historic Chelsea Harbor in the City of Norwich where it joins the Thames. The goals of the Shetucket River Greenway extension are three-fold:
increasing public recreational opportunities,
protecting valuable natural resources, and
developing a unified, regional approach for this resource.
Ellington's Hockanum River Linear Park- This is an addition to the existing Hockanum River Greenway (designated in 2001) extending this Linear Park through the four towns of Ellington, East Hartford, Manchester and Vernon. The best description of the Hockanum River Linear Park in all four towns, including Ellington, is found on the four-town Hockanum River Watershed Association 's website. THere you will find descriptions of all the trails, including the three Ellington river trails including maps.
The Mad River Greenway, Wolcott - The Mad River flows approximately 5 mi. within the Town of Wolcott starting at the Town's border with Bristol at the southern dam of Cedar Lake to the border with the City of Waterbury where it becomes an urban stream with portions underground before it enters the Naugatuck River. The Mad River has: Recreational, (Portions of the Blue Blazed Mattatuck Trail follow the river); Cultural, (Peterson Park, and the Woodtick Recreational Area encorporates a small segments of the River); and Historical (many mills, such as Seth Thomas' Mill, once spotted the river with their remnants still visible) resources to offer. The two primary goals of the Mad River Greenway are;To develop a non-motorized transportation facility for walkers and cyclists; To provide public access to the Mad River. Contact the Town of Wolcott for more information 203-879-8100.
The Yantic River Greenway, Norwich - The headwaters of the Yantic River are in Lebanon Connecticut. Much of the land surrounding the headwaters is conservation land and left in a natural state. the river then flows east towards Norwich,passing through the towns of Bozrah and Franklin along the way. The towns of Colchester, Salem and Montville are also within the watershed of this river.The Yantic River is a valuable wildlife habitat for a rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. This river provides fishing, boating, hiking, history, and beauty to area residents and visitors. State wildlife areas, and town parks exist along this river. The natural, historic and recreational resources enjoyed by communities are dependent upon the continued conservation and recreational use along this river.
The goals of the Yantic River Greenway proposal are three-fold:
increasing public recreational opportunities;
promoting historic and cultural features, and
protecting valuable natural resources.
Upper Farmington River in Canton – With this designation, the entire Farmington River in the Town of Canton is now an official CT Greenway. This greenway encourages the protection of natural resources and promotes sustainable recreational uses in the corridor. The Town of Canton can be contacted for more information.
Lower Farmington River in Windsor and Bloomfield – This was a collaborative nomination between the two towns listed and the Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA). The purpose of the designation is to promote the natural, recreational, and cultural resources of the Lower Farmington River. The goals for the Lower Farmington River Greenway are: Natural resource protection within and on both sides of the River; Encourage, enhance, and promote existing and new recreational opportunities along the River; Promote through education the inter-connections between cultural resources and the River. This greenway designation is also one of the management goals for the Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Management Plan, dated June 2011. For more information contact the FRWA.
Mill Brook Greenway in Windsor - This was a collaborative nomination between the Town of Windsor and the Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA). The purpose of the designation is to promote the natural, recreational, and cultural resources of Mill Brook. The goals for the Mill Brook Greenway are: Natural resource protection within and on both sides of the Brook; Encourage, enhance, and promote existing and new recreational opportunities along the Brook; Promote through education the inter-connections between cultural resources and the Brook; Continue and enhance collaborations with the Towns of Windsor, FRWA, and others for better coordination and planning for the Mill Brook Greenway. For more information contact the Town of Windsor.
Hanover Pond Linear Trail in Meriden- This is an extension of the previously designated Quinnipiac River Gorge Trail and Quinnipiac River Greenway. The Hanover Pond Trail is a ten-foot wide asphalt multi-use trail with the use of motorized vehicles prohibited. The paved trail has been constructed to adhere to A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements for handicapped accessibility. The trail sits on the railroad bed of the Meriden, Waterbury & Connecticut River Railroad (circa 1890’s) and provides scenic viewing areas from Meriden’s Red Bridge, at the entrance of the Quinnipiac River Gorge Linear Trail, to the Orville H. Platt High School. Contact the Meriden Linear Trail Advisory Committee for more information.
Upper Connecticut River in Windsor - This was a collaborative nomination between the Town of Windsor and the Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA). The purpose of the designation is to promote the natural, recreational, and cultural resources of the Upper Connecticut River. The goals of the Upper Connecticut River Greenway are: Natural resource protection on the west side of the Connecticut River within Windsor; Encourage, enhance, and promote existing and new recreational opportunities along the River; Promote through education the inter-connections between cultural resources and the River. For more information contact the Town of Windsor.
West River Watershed – Nominated by the West River Watershed Coalition (WRWC) and endorsed by the Towns of Bethany, Hamden, New Haven, West Haven and Woodbridge in addition to the South Central Regional Water Authority and Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority. With this designation, the entire watershed of the West River is now an official CT Greenway. This greenway encourages the protection of natural resources and promotes sustainable recreational uses in the corridor. The WRWC can be contacted for more information at 203-500-7777.
Riverfront Parks in Hartford and East Hartford, an Extension of the CT River Greenway – Nominated by Riverfront Recapture and endorsed by the Towns of Hartford and East Hartford. With this designation, the riverfront parks are now part of our official CT River Greenway. The parks cover almost 150 acres in two municipalities (Hartford and East Hartford) with several miles of paved and lighted Riverwalks connected by two accessible pedestrian river crossings on the Founders and Charter Oak Bridges. In addition, there are two plus miles of floodplain trails in Riverside Park that are easily explored either on foot or bike. The parks also have plenty of free parking onsite from sunrise to sunset, weather and river conditions permitting.
Riverfront Recapture can be contacted for more information at or 860-713–3131, ext. 334.
Quinebaug River Greenway Extension through the Town of Griswold – nominated by the Town of Griswold Economic Development Commission and endorsed by the Town of Griswold. The goals of the extended Quinebaug River Greenway are: Provide recreation opportunities for residents and visitors; Improve the quality of life in local communities; Help retain and attract new businesses and residents; Raise awareness and help build appreciation of the Quinebaug River; and Connecting open spaces. With this designation, the official Quinebaug River Greenway is now extended through the Town of Griswold and it is intended that this will be a catalyst for other towns to the west and south to further extend the Greenway, finally linking it to our officially designated Shetucket River Greenway. The Town can be contacted for more information at 860-376-7060.
Crosstown Trail, South Windsor - will be approx. 6.2 miles in length, and will allow safe south to north travel across the Town. The south entrance will also allow access to the Charter Oak Greenway in Manchester. This trail, when established, will provide safe off-road routes for commuters, walkers, bicycle tourists and individuals who use wheelchairs. While traversing the town the trail will pass through Wapping Park, the South Windsor Land Conservation Trust, Nevers Park and the South Windsor Wildlife Sanctuary before exiting into the farming community of East Windsor. The Crosstown Trail will allow residents, both from South Windsor and surrounding towns, the freedom of exploring and enjoying this rural section of Connecticut.
New Milford River Trail Greenway - The primary purpose of the greenway is to provide recreational opportunities in the form of a 13 mile long trail following the Housatonic and the Still Rivers. Additional benefits of the greenway include: economic benefits to the Town and region through tourism and events surrounding the River Trail, especially to the Historic New Milford Village Center located adjacent to the proposed Greenway; educational opportunities related to the river and connect historic sites along the way, such as the Historic Boardman Bridge; connections to Town and State Parks such as Sega Meadows Park, the Young's Field Ballfields and the Young's Field River Walk Trail, Hidden Treasure Park, Lover's Leap State Park, Harrybrooke Park and the Boardman Road Ballfields as well as the regional Housatonic Riverbelt and Still River Greenways.
Captain John Bissell Trail, South Windsor – This greenway is approx. 4.5 miles in length, and will connect several existing and planned trails in the Hartford area. The eastern end of the trail will provide access to the Charter Oak Greenway/East Coast Greenway in Manchester, while the western end of the trail will connect with the pedestrian and bike path on the Windsor side of the Bissell Bridge crossing the Connecticut River. On that side of the Bissell Bridge there is access to the Windsor River Trail in Windsor with future planned extensions to both Hartford and Wethersfield. The Captain John Bissell Greenway will also provide access to the South Windsor CrossTown Greenway, which connects the south and north ends of South Windsor and provides a connection in the north to rural East Windsor.
Great Oak Greenway, Ledyard - the greenway is the start of a significant corridor in southeastern CT that is over 25 years in the making; The Gungywamp Greenway, which was originally envisioned by the State of CT Council on Environmental Quality in the 1991 Annual Report. The greenway expands the Nathan Lester and Great Oak Park’s nearly 2 miles of existing trails with new trails on 800 Long Cove Road. The greenway also includes the Avalonia Pine Swamp Wildlife Corridor which extends from the north of the Nathan Lester property encompassing multiple trail systems and extensive swamps and upland woods habitat protection.
South Meadows Greenway at Goodwin College - The greenway begins at the College’s Living Laboratory which is ADA accessible with designated handicapped parking and signage. The greenway extends via a stone dust trail that starts at Main Street/10 South Meadow Lane in East Hartford, just over 2 miles south along the Connecticut River through East Hartford, Glastonbury and Wethersfield linking to the Putnam Bridge and connecting to the regional trail network. The trail is currently being expanded north via paved trails to connect to the existing campus-walking path and sidewalk system.
Clinton Blue/Greenway - The Clinton Blue/Greenway is a town trail that will connect, in its final phase, the Town of Clinton with its neighbors to the west and east, as well as the people of Clinton to their recreational opportunities, historical landmarks and land trusts. The first phase is a loop of over 3 miles which crosses a segment of trolley line then proceeds on roads through a historical section, to the Town Dock making the first connection to the “Blueway” onto the Indian River. Here the second access point takes users through the Town of Clinton and onto the Town Beach.
Content last updated September, 2019