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DEEP Announces Winner of the Annual Angler’s Guide Cover Photo Contest

Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) today announced the winner of the Fifth Annual Angler’s Guide Cover Photo Contest. This year’s cover features a photograph submitted by Jeanne Wadsworth of Tolland. The winning photo, captured by Sandy Vinton, shows Jeanne posing with a largemouth bass she caught while fishing at Breakneck Pond in Nipmuck State Forest located in Union.
“I had been out there fishing a few times before and had caught several good-sized fish, but this was by far the largest I had caught there. My kayak was being towed around, and with only 8lb line on, I didn't think I had a prayer at landing it,” Jeanne recounted. “Fortunately, the fish wrapped itself around a stump, and I was able to get it out of the water for a couple of quick shots before I released it. It was such an awesome experience.”
Jeanne was announced as the winner this morning at a press conference, where DEEP Deputy Commissioner Susan Whalen and staff from DEEP Inland Fisheries gave a behind-the-scenes look at the Burlington State Fish Hatchery. This hatchery is responsible for raising one hundred thousand of the fish that are stocked in Connecticut’s waters each year. Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Kokanee Salmon are raised in this hatchery. These fish, among other aquatic species, are included in the fish guide featured in this year’s edition of Connecticut’s Angler’s Guide.
“In addition to summarizing the rules and regulations for sport fishing, the Connecticut Angler’s Guide informs anglers from all over of the fabulous fishing opportunities our state has to offer,” said DEEP Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Conservation Susan Whalen. “I always love to see the photographs entered in the cover photo contest because they show families and friends getting outside and enjoying these resources. This year’s winning entry particularly exemplifies that joy.”
The guide, which is free to the public, covers a wide array of materials including the locations of public fishing areas, open seasons, and record weights of numerous species.
The 2018 edition of the guide will be released later this month. To see a copy of the 2017 Angler’s Guide, visit 
For more information about the Annual Angler’s Guide Photo Contest, see 
Each year over 4.4 million fishing days are spent on the water by adult anglers. This translates to nearly $450 million in economic activity across the state, resulting in thousands of jobs from bait and tackle shops as well guide trips to local restaurants and other support services.
Jeanne Wadsworth poses with a largemouth bass caught fishing at Breakneck Pond
Jeanne Wadsworth poses with a largemouth bass caught fishing at Breakneck Pond, Union in July 2017.
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