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Environmental Justice

" segment of the population should, because of its racial or economic makeup, bear a disproportionate share of the risks and consequences of environmental pollution or be denied equal access to environmental benefits."
CTDEEP's Environmental Equity Policy, 1993

Environmental Justice Program

Environmental Equity Policy

EPA's Environmental Justice Program

EPA's Spanish website

Environmental Justice Public Participation

Effective immediately, all Environmental Justice Plans shall be submitted for review by email to Edith Pestana of the Environmental Justice Program at 

Effective January 1, 2009, section 22a-20a of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) (formerly Public Act 08-94), along with the Department’s existing Environmental Justice Policy, requires applicants seeking a permit for a new or expanded "applicable facility" that is proposed to be located in an "environmental justice community," to file an Environmental Justice Public Participation Plan with and receive approval from the Department prior to filing any application for such permit. Refer to the  following documents for the definitions of "applicable facility" and "environmental justice community" and guidance to comply with section 22a-20a CGS and the Environmental Justice Policy.