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The RGGI process began in 2003, and the governors of seven states signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in December 2005. In August 2006, a final regional model rule was released, and a corrected RGGI model rule was released in January 2007. For more background on RGGI's inception, read a brief history of RGGI

Individual states worked diligently to adapt the RGGI model rule to state-specific formatting, and state-specific policies were developed to fill in blank sections of the model rule. Some of the key issues for state determination included: the size of the consumer benefit set-aside; the uses for the revenues derived from the consumer benefit set-aside (e.g., what types of projects might be supported); and the allowance allocation methodologies.

In adapting the RGGI model rule, Connecticut develop two proposed sets of Connecticut-specific RGGI rules. The first set provides for the control of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and administers the CO2 budget trading program. The second set administers the process for greenhouse gas emission offset projects. In January 2008, the two sets of RGGI rules were proposed to the Legislative Regulation Review Committee (LRRC) as Section 22a-174-31 of the RCSA, and Section 22a-174-31(a) of the RCSA, respectively.  Documents relevant to the LRRC approval process for the proposed RGGI rules are available below:

The Connecticut-specific RGGI rules were approved, effective July 23, 2008:

In July 2013, Connecticut proposed an amendment of Section 22a-174-31 of the RCSA, based on the outcome of a two-year program review conducted in accordance with a memorandum of understanding between Connecticut and the eight other states participating in RGGI.  The RGGI states agreed to reduce future regional CO2 allowance budgets and the states’ allocations under each budget. This consensus enables closer alignment with current CO2 emissions within the region and drives continued reductions in CO2 emissions from the electricity generating sector.  Proceeds from the auction of allowances would continue to be invested in energy efficiency measures and the development of Class I renewable energy sources.  Documents relevant to the amendment of Section 22a-174-31 of the RCSA are available below:

The amendment of Section 22a-174-31 of the RCSA was approved, effective December 9, 2013:

Content last updated January 2020