The Brownfield Municipal Grant Program is a competitive program for municipalities and municipal entities, designed to assist with brownfield redevelopment projects in their communities that will make a significant economic impact. Only municipalities and municipal entities are eligible to apply.
Latest Funding Round Announcements
Eligible Applicants
Municipalities and economic development agencies
Funding Amounts
Grants of up to $4 million
Funding Process
Grants under this program are made periodically on a competitive basis, based on a request for applications published on this website. Please check this page periodically for updates and information about upcoming funding rounds.
How To Apply
To make a complete application for a Municipal Brownfield Grant, applicants should expect to provide project information to DECD including but not limited to:
- A description of the proposed project, including potential redevelopment uses, where applicable
- An explanation of the expected benefits of the project
- Information concerning the financial and technical capacity of the applicant(s) to execute the proposed project
- A project budget (including additional non-State sources of funds that will be contributed to the project)
- A description of the environmental condition of the brownfield
Criteria for Funding
- The economic development impact of the project and the projected tax revenues associated with returning a brownfield to productive use
- The public health and environmental benefits of the project
- Consistency with Connecticut’s State Plan of Conservation and Development (particularly consistency with principles of Transit-Oriented Development)
- Relative need of the project for financial assistance (the “But For” rationale, whereby applicants demonstrate that, but for the State financial assistance, the project would not proceed)
- Relative economic condition of the municipality in which the brownfield is located
- Estimated costs of assessing and remediating the brownfield
- Length of time the brownfield has been abandoned or underutilized
Eligible Uses of Funding
Costs associated with the investigation, assessment, remediation and development of a brownfield, including but not limited to:
- Soil, groundwater and infrastructure investigation
- Assessment
- Remediation
- Abatement
- Hazardous materials or waste disposal
- Long-term groundwater or natural attenuation
- Other forms of institutional controls
- Attorneys’ fees
- Planning, engineering and environmental consulting
- Building and structural issues (including demolition, asbestos abatement, PCB removal, contaminated wood or paint removal or other infrastructure remedial activities)
Please email brownfields@ct.gov for more information.