
The Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) is dedicated to advancing the arts as an essential element of schooling and life-long learning. COA supports teaching and learning in, about, and through the arts through high quality arts engagement, arts integration, arts exploration, and discovery experiences for all Connecticut citizens both in and out of school timeCOA works to advance the arts education and experience in Connecticut through professional development and funding opportunities.

Connecticut general statutes require students graduating by 2021 to have at least 1 credit in the fine arts. Connecticut adopted the National Core Arts Standards in 2016. A steering committee of arts educators assisted the Connecticut Department of Education in the design and delivery of a statewide professional learning rollout initiative, and developed CT Arts Standards Model District Curriculum to assist educators and administrators in understanding instructional shifts of the CT Arts Standards. COA’s Arts Learning programs and services provide educators (including teaching artists), leadership and vital resources, tools and strategies to understand, develop, deepen and expand effective practices in standards-based arts education, arts integration, and student voice and leadership. Formats include professional development, grant making, strategic partnerships, coaching, mentorships, residencies, and active participation and service by COA’s Arts Education Manager on boards, committees, and task forces.

Professional Development

Funding Opportunities


Directory of Teaching Artists  

This directory serves as a valuable resource of high-quality Connecticut artists who have been juried for:

  • their excellence in their art forms;
  • their readiness and capacity to work in school and community settings as a Performing, Teaching/Connecting, or Teaching/Integrating Artist. 

For more information about how to access these artists or apply to become a teaching artist as well as to learn about potential support available for those engaging Directory Artists, see our Directory of Teaching Artists