Ways To Help Children

There are many ways to help children in Connecticut.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect:  If you suspect a child is being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused, or is in danger of being abused, call the Child Abuse and Neglect Careline which is staffed by child protective staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll free number is 1-800-842-2288.

Foster and adoptive parents are needed to provide temporary or permanent care for abused or neglected children all over the state. Foster and adoptive parents receive training, support and financial assistance.  You can rent or own your home, and can work outside the home if you provide appropriate child care while at work.  You can be married, widowed, single, cohabitating together or divorced; older or younger (but you must be over the age of 21); straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning; religious, atheist, humanist, or non-religious; or any of the other protected classes - it doesn't matter - our kids need YOU!   For information, please call 1-888-KID HERO, or visit www.ctfosteradopt.com more information.

Become a Mentor:  Help a teen learn to live on his or her own. By spending a few hours a week with a young person, you can help him or her with finding an apartment, getting a job, budgeting or linking him/her up with community services. But mostly, you can give personal support and guidance. Click here for more information about Mentoring.

Volunteer your time at DCF Facilities:  To help children who have mental health needs, please call Solnit Center - South Campus in Middletown at  860-704-4091. To help children with emotional problems, please call the Solnit Center - North Campus at 860-292-4000.

Children in Placement:  Be an advocate for children in foster care during the judicial process. Please call 203-784-0344, or visit their website at Children in Placement. (external link)

Connecticut Youth Services Association:  You can support your local youth service bureau by serving on an advisory board or fund-raising committee, or volunteering in some other capacity.  Please visit the Youth Services Association to find a youth service bureau in your area. (external link)
