Health and Safety
Our testing partners serve the communities in our state with the most need. They're working with nursing home and other congregate settings, densely populated areas, communities experiencing outbreaks, and others. There are a variety of job opportunities to support testing and other efforts - both medical and non-medical - open to you that can make a critical difference in the State's response.
Learn more about job opportunities with our testing partners below:
Community Health Center Association of Connecticut (CHCACT): CHCACT represents most community health centers in the state, and hosts job listings for each of their sites.
Community Health Center, Inc: Community Health Center, Inc. is a community health center in Connecticut with multiple locations with a variety of opportunities available.
Get Tested
Here's how to get tested for COVID-19 in Connecticut, and where to go
Long-Term Care Facility Data
Review the latest data on cases in every nursing home and assisted living facility in the state
COVID CT Alert App
This mobile device tool provides alerts if you've been exposed to someone who tested positive while also maintaining privacy
COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plans
Read about Connecticut's plans for a roll-out of a COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group
Governor Lamont created an advisory group to prepare the state for the potential development of a COVID-19 vaccine
ContaCT - Contact Tracing
Join this powerful COVID-19 tracing system to help us bring the pandemic under control
CT Business Reopening and Recovery Center
Your one-stop resource to help you safely reopen your business in Connecticut
CT Back to Work Initiative
Skills training. Staffing resources. Local jobs.
Connecticut's powerful new hub for employers and job-seekers