What does it mean if I see “No Information to Report – No Credits Earned Building (or Fire) Cycle – “ ?
This means that you have entered your ID number correctly, but that you have earned 0 credits.
What does it mean if I see “No Information to Report – No Credits Earned?”
This means that the ID number provided is not active in OEDM’s system.
What does it mean if I see “No Information to Report – No Credits Earned Fire (or Building) Cycle not found” ?
This means that you have entered your ID number correctly, but that you have selected Fire instead of Building and vice versa. Go back and click on the appropriate credential type.
What does it mean if I see “XXX#### (ID that was entered) is invalid” ?
This means that you have entered your ID number incorrectly. Re-enter your OEDM ETC Card ID number – the first three letters of your last name and the last four numbers of your social security number without any spaces or dashes.