Protection Order Registry - POR


The Judicial Branch's Protection Order Registry (POR) is an integrated database and notification system for orders of individual protection issued or registered with state authorities.

The POR is maintained in accordance with state law by the Judicial Branch’s Office of the Chief Court Administrator. Direct access to POR is available in a secure intranet application for authorized criminal justice agencies. However, most law enforcement agencies in the state rely on two other sources for POR information: the Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection’s Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing System (COLLECT), supplemented by direct POR notifications to specific agencies where applicable. The POR is programmed to automatically enter protection order records in COLLECT’s Protection Order File (File 20). The File 20 records are available around the clock for enforcement purposes through standard person (FLQW) and motor vehicle (FL02) inquiries. The POR is also programmed to notify specific law enforcement agencies based upon address information for the parties to a protection order. One notification is sent to the law enforcement agency through COLLECT to a dedicated printer for the agency, and a second notification is sent through a Judicial Branch fax service to a dedicated fax machine for the agency.

For current POR statistics, visit