Judicial Electronic Bridge - JEB


The Judicial Branch has created a computer application to provide access to Adult/Youthful Offender Probation and Juvenile Information to the Board of Pardons and Paroles (BOPP) and the Department of Correction (DOC). The purpose of the Judicial Electronic Bridge (JEB) is to promote public safety and welfare by providing access to selected offender information to authorized BOPP and DOC personnel.

JEB provides client profile information including address, open cases and sentenced closed cases, as well as, a photo(s). Each case displays the Probation Officer's name, office location, phone number, dockets and charges, violation of probation history, conditions of probation, and probation start and end dates. Access to Pre-Sentence Investigations is available for Adult and Youthful Offender clients. JEB was introduced in February 2008 with a very positive response and some enhancements have already been made.