Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing - COLLECT


The Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing (COLLECT) System is utilized throughout Connecticut to access valuable online State and Federal law enforcement resources.

The COLLECT system is the statewide criminal justice system that is dedicated to the law enforcement and criminal justice agencies in the State of Connecticut. Access to COLLECT is granted only to law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. The COLLECT system services over 180 local, state and federal agencies.

There are over 15,000 certified COLLECT system users within the law enforcement /criminal justice community. The COLLECT system provides access to in-state COLLECT files and access to two national systems: National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and International Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing Network (NLETS).

NCIC stores criminal justice data for the entire country and Canada; NLETS provides the communications lines to individual states and Canada. Using NLETS, users can obtain motor vehicle data and criminal history data from states across the country and Canada. NLETS also allows states to send text messages to one or more states at a time or to send a nationwide broadcast.

COLLECT also provides its users with access to other state systems and files such as:
  • Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) 
  • Sex Offender Registry (SOR)
  • Protective Order Registry (POR) 
  • Department Of Corrections (DOC) 
  • State Police Criminal History (CCH) Weapons 
  • Paperless Re-Arrest Warrant Network (PRAWN), and more.