Recent Students’ Evaluations of the CEQ Internship
"Great balance between work and education. Staff is very flexible in all endeavors. They truly want you to learn, express yourself and contribute to the work."
"Excellent experience and great exposure to working in the public sector and life after graduation. I enhanced my research analysis skills and ability to present this work in a clear, yet detailed summary"
"The goals, objectives and tasks were clearly explained and tasks adapted as the project evolved. I liked that I got to work on a project and I really learned a lot from everyone I worked with. I cannot think of anything that I wish to change. I thought this was an excellent internship. I am very glad to have had this opportunity."
"The work I did directly contributed to the annual report and other important projects rather than typical internship tasks."
"I enjoyed doing valuable research and attending UConn meetings and participating at Council meetings."
"I enjoyed the variety of tasks and experiences. I particularly enjoyed sitting in on the Environmental Committee and public hearings and monitoring the legislative session. Also, I had great supervision. Both of my supervisors were very helpful and gave me instant feedback on my work and were always eager to help me with any questions I had."
I appreciated the way my supervisors fit the internship to my interests. Because I am a law student, the tasks I were given were law-related. I certainly feel like my experience at CEQ has furthered my interest in environmental law, in particular. I would recommend an internship with CEQ to anyone with an interest in the environment; legal or not."