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Environmental Quality in Connecticut -- the state's annual report on the condition of our air, water, land and wildlife through 2020 -- is a paperless publication. You can read it online or download a PDF version that can be printed.
Publication Date:  April 21, 2021
Note to readers: The charts in this report might not appear in some browsers. If you do not see the charts on the pages of the report, please try a different browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. If all else fails, you can see the charts in the Iron version.

Osprey Gold is the preferred version for online reading. You can view the annual data for any chart by scrolling your cursor over the data points. If you want to print pages, you probably want the Iron version.



Cover for the 2020 Annual Report

Iron is the PDF version, a compilation of all the pages in the web edition. This format is useful if you wish to print the whole report or sections of it.