Bureau of Regulatory Services

Statutory References

The Bureau of Regulatory Services enforces laws relating to milk safety, and, in the domestic animal realm, deals with animal control, animal population control, importation, and health issues. The Bureau also plays a critical role in the control of rabies in Connecticut. 

Director:  Bruce A. Sherman, DVM, MPH                                                                 

Assistant Director:  Wayne Kasacek

State Veterinarian: Mary Jane Lis, MS, DVM, PhD

Food Safety and Agricultural Commodities:

Wayne Nelson, Representative
Resha Jacquier, Representative
Kate Nelson, Representative
Katie Yuhas, Representative
Mark Zotti, Representative

Animal Control Unit:

Kelli Baker, Officer
Charles DellaRocco, Officer
Barbara Godejohn, Officer 
Dean Gates, Officer
Richard Gregan, Officer
Nancy Jarvis, Officer

Animal Health Unit:

Willow Lake, Representative
Tim McGuire, Representative
James Sullivan, Representative

Animal Population Control Program & Licensing Unit

Paula Butler, Licensing and Applications Specialist
Paula Majewski, Processing Technician

Milk Safety Unit:

James Allyn, Representative
Elizabeth Hall, Representative
Jane Murdock, Representative
Kurt Nieminen, Representative
Chris Stroker, Representative

Executive Assistant to the Director: Dawn Barrett-Walsh 

Bureau Secretary: Charmaine Davis

Connecticut Hemp Research Pilot Program

Fruit and Vegetable Growers Inspection Programs

CT Animal Traceability System (CAT): Elizabeth Hall, Program Representative

Visit the following links for information that fall under the purview of the Bureau of Regulation and Inspection:

Food Safety and Agricultural Commodities: animal feeds, pet foods, seeds, fertilizer, eggs apples

Animal Control: domestic animals, kennels, pet stores, animal bites, rabies

Animal Health: State Veterinarian

Animal Population Control: dog and cat spay/neuter, vaccinations, application to license dogs, vehicle "pet" plate, feral cat grant program, low income spay/neuter program

Dairy Farms of Distinction: awards for outstanding farms

Milk Safety: milk storage recommendations

Rabies Manual 

West Nile Virus

Agricultural Licensing Unit