Office of the State Veterinarian
Dr. Mary Jane Lis
Livestock and poultry are inspected and tested to detect infectious and contagious diseases. The importation of healthy livestock, poultry and pet birds are regulated and health certificates are issued for livestock and poultry destined for export. Intensive poultry farms must be registered with the Bureau and are regulated and inspected to maintain accepted environmental management practices.
Dr. Mary Jane Lis, in the Office of the State Veterinarian, acts as the official epidemiologist for animal and poultry diseases; coordinates state and federal governmental agencies and livestock producers to control diseases; and oversees and guides the development and management of disease control programs performed by the agency.
The Animal Health Division may be contacted at (860) 713-2505.
CT Fair Health Requirements:
For information regarding animal health requirements at CT fairs please review the 2019 Fair and Show Requirements. Please take the time to read The Memorandum-Livestock Health Certificates for the 2019 Show Season referred to in the show requirements.
Attention Poultry Exhibitors:
Please read this letter regarding tests required prior to exhibiting.
Reportable Disease In Connecticut:
Animal Movement Requirements:
Check List for Moving Sheep and Goats (updated August 2017)
Other state and international importation requirements(link to USDA)