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Leading By Example 
Pollution Prevention (P2) Strategies For State and Local Government & Non-Profit Organizations

State agencies and local governments have many opportunities to lead by example by incorporating P2 strategies into new and existing programs. Learn how your town or state agency can prevent pollution and "go green" in your offices and in your community.  Non-profit organizations can also utilize many of these programs and resources.

GreenerGov CT 

GreenerGovCT a Lead by Example initiative that requires Connecticut state agencies to meet sustainability goals that include reducing GHG emissions, water usage and waste generated.  It was created in 2019 through Governor Lamont's Executive Order 1.  

How To Green Your CT State Agency - Information from DEEP workshops,  Buying "Green" Products (2014) & Going Green Makes Sen$e (2012) and more.

Sustainability for Municipalities - SustainableCT is a voluntary program run by the Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern CT State University. It provides municipalities with a menu of actions to become more sustainable as well as resources and tools to assist municipalities in implementing sustainability actions. Municipalities are certified and recognized for achievements.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Energy efficiency programs, purchasing energy from renewable resources and simple changes such as switching to compact fluorescents (CFLs) can save your town a lot of money, as well as reducing the effects of climate change.
  • Energy Champion video highlights a successful geothermal installation by the Town of Tolland, Connecticut and the important role a local business owner played as the chair of the Town's Energy Task Force. Other communities looking to upgrade their energy infrastructure are encouraged to look no further than their own backyard to find an energy champion who can lend their expertise to the process and lead by example. (Length: 4 minutes)
  • Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC)video showcases successful energy projects in East Hartford and Stamford, Connecticut.  Through Energy Savings Performance Contracts, both municipalities achieved significant energy and cost reductions in their schools and government buildings with no upfront costs.  (Length: 5 1/2 minutes) For more information, visit Lead by Example.
  • Connecticut's Green Bank, also known as the Connecticut Green Bank Clean Energy leverages public and private funds to drive investment and scale-up clean energy deployment in Connecticut.
  • Learn about free energy for your community
  • Find out how CT is Taking Action on Climate Change (2014 report).
  • Local Governments for Sustainability offers a framework for local governments to develop a strategic agenda to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the benefit of improving community livability.
  • EPA Energy Star programs and qualified products can save money and protect the environment.
Greening Your Library
Libraries are community "hotspots" and great places to teach and showcase efforts to create a sustainable environment. Get inspiration from these resources to green your library.
  • Greening Your Library (pdf) This is a presentation by the Office of Pollution Prevention staff to the CT State Library Association in April 2010. It offers many suggestions about how to green your operation from recycling all kinds of materials, reducing energy and environmentally preferable purchasing using "real life" examples from greening the DEEP.
  • Green Libraries This website has information about the greening of libraries in North America, including a list of libraries constructing green buildings and a directory.
  • Green Library Blog Share your success stories and learn what other libraries are doing to become sustainable.
Green Buildings & High Performance Schools
Green buildings are part of the larger practice of responsible growth. High performance schools are built using an integrated design process that has long-term benefits for the community and the environment.  
Organic Land Care & Integrated Pest Management
  • You can have good-looking, high quality athletic fields and school grounds without the use of conventional fertilizers and pesticides. Find information on how to transition to organic land care and how to get a free DVD.
  • Integrated pest management (IPM) is a systematic method of managing pests using non-chemical pest management methods and the judicious use of pesticides when pest populations exceed acceptable levels.
Public Works Garages and Fleet Maintenance
Maintaining a fleet of vehicles is expensive. Learn how to reduce your costs, meet your regulatory requirements and protect the environment.
Purchasing & Environmentally Preferable Products (EPPs)
EPP cleaning products are non-toxic, healthier for students, cleaning staff and employees and promote better indoor air quality. Recycled content products are comparable in cost and quality to conventional products.
  • Presentations from DEEP June 2014 workshop for state agencies, municipalities and school districts:  Buying a Better Way: Choosing Green Products from State Contracts.
  • After October 1, 2007 cleaning products used in a building owned by the State must meet standards set by a national or international environmental certification program approved by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) in consultation with the Commissioner of Environmental Protection. Read the Policy for Use of Environmentally Preferable Products and Sanitizing Products.
  • The DAS Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program provides access to state contracts that feature EPP products and services as well as general EPP information, statutes, and policies.
  • The City of Portland, Oregon has developed comprehensive case studies for many items from antifreeze to waterless urinals. These case studies discuss the scope of the purchase, benefits, costs, performance, and lessons learned.
  • EPA's Safer Choices program (formerly Design for the Environment) provides information to identify cleaning and other products that are cost-effective and safer for the environment. Find approved products.
  • Green Seal and Ecologo have developed life cycle-based sustainability standards for products, services and companies and offers third-party certification for those that meet the criteria in the standard.  
  • Find out what to look for when purchasing recycled content products
Sustainability and Responsible Growth
Responsible growth or "livability" initiatives are designed to help communities determine how they want to grow and how to make policy choices consistent with their vision.
  • CT DOT signed a “Complete Streets” policy (2014) that promotes safe access for all users by providing a comprehensive, integrated, connected multi-modal network of transportation options.
    Sustainable Land Use Regulations Video showcases an innovative project of the Capitol Region Council of Governments that will equip towns with model zoning regulations to help them create vibrant, sustainable communities. The model regulations cover four key topic areas: Housing Diversity and Affordability, Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy, Food Security and Local Food Systems and Compact and Mixed Use Development.  (Length: 4 1/2 minutes)  Information on the project is available at New England's Sustainable Knowledge Corridor.
  • Building Healthy Communities Video focuses on how several Connecticut towns and cities are working to improve the health of their residents by supporting programs that provide access to fresh foods and encourage walking and biking. The role of farmers' markets, community gardens, multi-use trails, walkability audits, bike-to-work initiatives and innovative bicycle-friendly programs are explored. (Length: 5 ½ minutes)
  • DEEP's Landscape Stewardship Initiative provides a wealth of information for all concerned about balancing growth with environmental protection. 
  • The Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) is a group of programs at UCONN's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources related to improving local land use plans and practices. Programs include: Nonpoint Education For Municipal Officials (NEMO), the Land Use Academy, the Land Use Planning Program and Urban Forestry
  • The on-line Green and Growing Tool Box contains a comprehensive inventory of policies, plans, and programs administered by key state agencies.>
  • The Office of Responsible Growth, housed within the Office of Policy and Management, was established by Governor Rell’s Executive Order 15 to coordinate state efforts to revitalize cities, preserve the unique charm of our state and build livable, economically strong communities while protecting our natural resources for the enjoyment of future generations. 
  • Learn about EPA's responsible growth strategies for the US. For more information, contact Rosemary Monahan, EPA Region 1 at 617-918-1087.
  • National Smart Growth Organization is a resource for communities concerned about growth that boost the economy as well as protecting the environment and enhancing community vitality.
  • Learn about the Capitol Region Council of Government's livable community and other sustainability efforts.  
  • Learn about responsible growth in Suffield and Parkville section of Hartford in the P2 View newsletter article: "Growth Happens, How to Make it Livable".
Solid Waste & Recycling
Are you concerned about the rising cost of managing solid waste? Learn about innovative approaches to solid waste management such as Pay-As-You-Throw and large scale composting that can help your town save money on tipping fees.

Content Last Updated December 2019