This is the archived website of former Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases



Lt. Gov. Wyman, Gov. Malloy & State Officials on 6th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act

(Hartford, CT) - Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, Chair of the Board of Access Health CT (AHCT), Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Access Health CT CEO Jim Wadleigh, Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Roderick Bremby, Connecticut Insurance Department Commissioner Katharine L. Wade, and State Healthcare Advocate Victoria Veltri issued the following statements on the 6th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act:

Lt. Governor Wyman said, "This law has had tremendous impact in Connecticut, ensuring more than 700,000 residents have access to high quality, affordable healthcare. Our leadership has not only cut the state's uninsured rate in half, but has also provided guidance for other states. This makes for healthier communities and a stronger, more productive workforce."

Governor Malloy said, "The Affordable Care Act is working - and Connecticut is a nationwide model for how to do it right.  States around the country are modeling their exchanges on ours. We are achieving our ultimate goal by providing quality, affordable health care to American families as we drive down the uninsured rate to record lows."

AHCT CEO Jim Wadleigh said, "Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Connecticut three years ago, Access Health CT has reduced the uninsured rate to 3.8 percent and enrolled over 700,000 Connecticut residents in quality, affordable healthcare plans. These achievements have gone a long way in promoting better health for Connecticut residents, reducing costs and minimizing health care disparities throughout the state. We will continue outreach efforts and work with communities throughout the state to ensure consumers are getting the most out of their coverage."

DSS Commissioner Bremby said, "For Connecticut, the Affordable Care Act continues to be a truly historic catalyst for reform and innovation in healthcare.  For the first time, we have brought in federal support for insuring the health of tens of thousands of low-income adults through Medicaid.  And under the leadership of Governor Malloy and Lieutenant Governor Wyman, we have implemented successful care delivery and payment reforms that benefit enrollees and taxpayers in general.  The anniversary of the ACA is a fitting time to take stock of the progress we've made in Connecticut and nationally to extend opportunities for health insurance and care for all Americans." 

Insurance Dept. Commissioner Wade said, "The ACA has enhanced consumer protections for Connecticut policyholders and brought new carriers into the marketplace which is providing more choice for consumers."

State Healthcare Advocate Veltri said, "The ACA expanded coverage to hundreds of thousands of people in our state through Medicaid, CHIP, and Access Health CT.  It is helping thousands of Connecticut residents with pre-existing conditions get healthcare coverage for the first time.  It is giving our residents the ability to access services without worrying about lifetime or annual maximums.  It is closing the donut hole for people on Medicare who need affordable access to their medications. And it's provided the financial support to allow us to pursue much needed health reforms to improve access to care, improve our residents' health, reduce the costs of healthcare and eliminate health inequities.  We will continue to use all of the tools that the ACA provides to make coverage and care accessible and affordable for everyone in Connecticut."



Juliet Manalan
Communications Director
Office of Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman
(o) 860.524.7377
(m) 860.913.7528
Twitter: @LGWyman
FB: Office of Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman