This is the archived website of former Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases



Lieutenant Governors Support National Guard

As debate continues in Washington D.C. regarding National Guard funding, state and territorial elected leaders stand with the National Guard.  Twenty-five seconds-in-command (Lt. Governors and Secretaries of State) are writing the United States President and Congress to oppose proposed federal funding cuts to the National Guard, the only military force shared by the states and the federal government.

"The National Guard provides critical statewide emergency response resources as well as contributing to the country's defense," said Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman (CT- D), Chair of the NLGA. "That they are able to retain high levels of readiness is paramount to the safety of our residents and our homeland security. I join my colleagues around the country in recommending no federal cuts to National Guard funding."

"As state leaders, we recognize and appreciate the need to review, to modernize, and to balance budgets within governance," said Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds (IA- R).  "But we also urge the President and federal lawmakers to carefully examine how cost effective the National Guard has been and the essential nature of their services."   

In a letter to the U.S. President, seconds-in-command of the states and territories express that pending proposals would return National Guard funding to a pre-9/11 level. 



Juliet Manalan
Communications Director
Office of Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman
(o) 860.524.7377
(m) 860.913.7528
Twitter: @LGWyman
FB: Office of Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman