Connecticut State Library
The Connecticut State Library works to preserve and make accessible Connecticut’s history and heritage and to advance the development of library services statewide.
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School Governance Councils provide an opportunity for Connecticut schools to engage with families and community members in the essential dialogue about student achievement and preparing all students for success.
Agency: Department of EducationTitle I Coordinators, School Harassment, AGELE, AAUW, GLSEN, PFLAG
Agency: Department of EducationInformation and guidance on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's school nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Special Milk Program (SMP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP.
Agency: Department of EducationA state-funded initiative, administered by the Office of Early Childhood, which develops a network of school readiness programs geared to enhance federally funded readiness programs among the state and its various agencies, the communities and families.
Agency: Connecticut Office of Early ChildhoodThe Bureau of Rehabilitation Services works with youth and young adults while they are still in high school. Helping students to find the right career. School to Work Transition
Agency: Department of Aging and Disability ServicesThe State Board of Education's 2008 position paper on science education calls for an inquiry-based approach to science instruction, which includes hands-on laboratory experiences for all students.
Agency: Department of EducationSocial Studies Frameworks and Resources
Social studies is the integration of knowledge and human experience for the purpose of citizenship.
Agency: Department of EducationSpecial Education Publications
Special education eligibility documents, topic briefs, parent/family resources, and best practices.
Agency: Department of EducationArchived topical special education memoranda, articles from the Bureau of Special Education’s trade periodical, and the state of the art Web-based Bureau Bulletin.
Agency: Department of EducationParents can find a list of summer programs throughout the state that serve youngsters with special needs.
Agency: ConneCT KidsThe State Board of Education's role includes guiding and supervising Connecticut's pre-K-12 system. Duties include setting policy, preparing legislation and setting academic standards. Citizens can learn about the board's long-term plans, find meeting dates and read minutes from past meetings.
Agency: Department of EducationState Educational Technology Plan
State Educational Technology Plan
Agency: Department of Administrative ServicesState Educational Technology Plan
State Educational Technology Plan
State Educational Technology Plan
State Educational Technology Plan
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