This is a beta website for the State Emergency Response Commission. Please visit the current SERC Website.

The Connecticut State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) was established by Connecticut Law (CGS, Section 22a-600) and is tasked with the implementation of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) in Connecticut.  The EPCRA contains five sections dealing with various reporting requirements of businesses and responsibilities of state and local governments.  A facility may be subject to one or all EPCRA sections.  
The Commission oversees 5 Regional Districts (62 Cities/Towns) and 107 Local Emergency Planning Committees, for specifics refer to the Connecticut Local Emergency Planning Committees Map (PDF).  The Commission supports community, industry, government and academia in planning, release and incident reporting, data management guidance for inventory reporting, public disclosure of information about hazardous chemicals in Connecticut as well as development of training and outreach programs through federal grant opportunities.  Further, the Commission serves as a state clearinghouse for hazardous chemical emergency preparedness and planning activities and information through coordination with federal, tribal nations, state, local governments, industry and community interest groups.  
The Commission conducts bi-monthly meetings.  Currently, SERC membership is comprised of 18 appointed individuals who represent the interest of state and local government, emergency services and public protection, public health, industry, energy and environment, labor, and the public.