To:         Chiefs of Police

              Training Officers

              Resident Troopers

              Protective Services

From:      Thomas E. Flaherty

              Executive Director

Date:       April 6, 2005

Subject:   Revised Notification and Application Procedures

              In-Service Training for Police Officers

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council has revised its operating procedures for the Field Services Training Division.  These changes, to become effective August 1, 2005, will affect all in-service training organized and provided for certified police officers.  The Field Services Training Division will use the P.O.S.T. Council’s website to announce and list all in-service training and will accept facsimile transmission of applications for training classes.  The Connecticut Police Officer Standards and Training Council’s website home page, will direct you to the in-service training pages. 

The Field Services Training Division will operate its announcement, application and notification process in the following manner.

  1. The In-Service Training Calendar, a list of training course titles available to Connecticut Certified Police Officers, will be posted on the website.  The courses will be listed by date when they are scheduled.
  2. Each of the listed training course titles will be linked to the complete course announcement.  Each announcement will provide the same detailed description of the training courses that have been provided by mail in the past.  Users simply click on the course title selected to read the complete announcement.
  3. Each detailed course announcement will be linked to the POSTC application form.  Users should print out the application forms selected. 
  4. The Field Services Training Division accepts applications for scheduling certified police officers for in-service training only when the application has been signed/approved by the law enforcement unit’s designated training supervisor or its chief of police.  No police officer may attend training at the Connecticut Police Academy, or in any POSTC training program unless, they are assigned to such training by their employing law enforcement unit.
  5. Properly signed and completed applications for training may be forwarded to the Field Services Training Division by mail or by facsimile transmission.  The Council’s fax number is (203) 238-6643.  Each course will list its own “closing” date for submission of applications and applicants will be selected for training only after the “closing date.”
  6. Law Enforcement Unit Training Supervisors may receive their notification of the acceptance or denial of training for their applicants by e-mail.  Supervisors who provide an agency e-mail address on the application for training form will have their notification provided in that form.  Otherwise, POSTC will mail processed training applications.  A return of application to Law Enforcement Units by facsimile transmission is not currently manageable.
  7. Training supervisors should register the official agency e-mail address for in-service training contact by sending an e-mail to Linda Nido, POSTC DP Technical Specialist, at 
  8. The Field Services Training Division adds training courses to the in-service course calendar on a regular basis.  Users should review the course calendar page on a regular basis to find newly scheduled training offerings.
  9. The Field Services Training Division will e-mail alerts to all addresses in the system when new training courses are added to our website.             

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council is expecting that the scheduled changes described in this General Notice will streamline both the agency operation of notification, receipt and processing of in-service training applications, and assist its Connecticut law enforcement clientele locate and schedule training for the police officers that it employs.

Agencies without access to the internet and our website should call Susan E. Rainville, Director, Field Services Training Division at (203) 238-6514 to determine how POSTC will be able to provide services for your officers.