To:                     Chief Law Enforcement Officers
                          Directors of Satellite Academies
                          Bridgeport Police Academy
                          Hartford Police Academy
                          Milford Police academy
                          New Haven Police Academy
                          Stamford Police Academy

From:                  Thomas E. Flaherty
                          Executive Director

Date:                  September 20, 2004

Subject:              Revision of Academy Accreditation Checklist
                                  Sections 2.13, 2.13.1 and 2.13.2

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council at its September 9, 2004 regularly scheduled meeting, voted to modify and change the above. The enclosed material is the checklist with the modification made. Any Academy starting after October 1, 2004 must have an evaluation completed by their recruits one week prior to their graduation date.

Each Academy will be responsible to develop a questionnaire to evaluate the overall program material and instructors. This evaluation shall remain a part of the academy records for that session and will be forwarded to the Certification Division of the POST Council for inspection.

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