To:          Chiefs of Police
               Training Officers
               Resident Troopers
               Protective Services

From:       Thomas E. Flaherty 
               Executive Director

Date:       February 6, 2004

Subject:   Revised Entry-Level Standard 
               Personal Interview Panel Examination

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council has revised Subsection (f) of Section
7-294e-16 of the Regulations of State Agencies as follows:

(f) Personal Interview Panel Examination.
The Police Officer Standards and Training Council requires, as a condition of
appointment to a position of probationary candidate in a law enforcement unit in the
State of Connecticut, on or after January 1, 1995, that the candidate has been tested,
by an oral interview panel which includes one or more CONNECTICUT POST
COUNCIL CERTIFIED law enforcement officers, or by any other appropriate
assessment process approved by the council, which is designed to evaluate predictors
of job-related skills and behaviors, including interpersonal and communication skills.

The revision was passed into law on February 4, 2004.
