To: Chiefs of Police
Training Officers
Resident Troopers
Protective Services
From: T. William Knapp
Executive Director
Date: June 3, 2002
Subject: Basic Recruit Training Curriculum
The Police Officer Standards and Training Council, at its May 2, 2002 meeting, voted to accept the following recommendation of the Curriculum Committee relative to the following change in the Basic Recruit Training Program:
"The Police Officer Standards and Training Council hereby adopts the Curriculum Committee's proposed amendments to the "Instructional Goal" and "Performance Objectives" of the Subject Area 407 "Substance Abuse" of the Basic Recruit Training Program dealing with gambling addiction to become effective with any Basic Recruit Training Program beginning on or after July 1, 2002."
The heading for Subject Area #407 will now read:
The only change to the "Instructional Goal" is to the first line which has been changed by adding the words: "and other addictions." It will now read: "This course familiarizes the recruit with the conditions associated with substance abuse and other addictions."
The "Performance Objectives" have been changed by adding the following two (2) new performance objectives:
Identify and discuss the warning signs of a gambling addiction (M.1,9) (N.19).
Identify resources to treat gambling and other addictions - in addition to the employee assistance program (M.1,9) (N.19).
There were no other changes to the subject area and there should be no increase in the allotted time for the course which will remain at its present two (2) hours.
You will be receiving appropriate page changes to insert in your curriculum when they are printed.