To:            Chief Law Enforcement Officers
                 Training Commanders/Officers
                 Protective Services
                 Resident State Troopers

From:         T. William Knapp Executive Director

Date:         November 20, 2001

Subject:     Review Training Credit Hours

At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Police Officer Standards and Training Council held on November 6, 2001, the following motion was presented by the Certification Committee of the Council and passed by the full Council.

"To increase the allowable hours in the elective area #I through area #IX from eight (8) hours plus mandates to sixteen (16) hours plus mandates, in each area, to become effective starting with the recertification of 2003 individuals."

This will allow officers to receive up to sixteen hours in each elective area plus the mandates for recertification purposes starting with those individuals who are going to be recertified by July 1, 2003. This WILL NOT include recertification for 2002. A new Review Training Credit form has been included in this mailing. If any questions should arise, contact the Certification Division, Gary Pfeifer, at (203) 238-6694 during normal business hours.
