To:           Chiefs of Police
                Training Officers
                Resident Troopers
                Protective Services

From:        T. William Knapp
                Executive Director

Date:        March 1, 2001

Subject:    Career Opportunities in Law Enforcement
                POST Council Web Page

There are many times that this agency receives telephone calls asking our personnel: "What departments are looking for police officers?" Or, "What departments are hiring now?" Agency personnel typically have answered that question by referring the caller to whatever police department is known, by the person answering the phone, to have an entry-level employment process under way at that time. Frequently they don’t know who does and who doesn’t; who is about to advertise and who may have just finished a process and is no longer interested.

Consequently, POST Council staff approached the Council seeking permission to both 1) aid our client police department/law enforcement units and, at the same time, 2) make more timely and more accurate our answers to such callers. Council granted permission for us to seek ways to do that and, last fall, the agency sent out a questionnaire to all our client law enforcement units asking if they would use a system to have us post, on the POST Council website, their upcoming and current employment opportunities. The response to the questionnaire was overwhelmingly in favor of it and the agency also favors it as all telephonic or e-mail requests for that information will result in a simple referral to POST Council’s web page.

Effective now, that process is being instituted. Should you desire to use it, please use the guidelines below and we will accommodate your desires. To view our web page and the link to Career Opportunities in Law Enforcement, simply go to and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

The POSTC "Career Opportunities in Law Enforcement" web page is NOW available to publish vacant police officer positions in your department or agency. Information required from you will be:

  • Position (entry-level or certified police officer to Chief)
  • Opening date of the announcement (the date you will accept applications)
  • Closing date of the announcement (the date after which you will NOT accept)
  • Contact information (name, address, phone #, etc.)
  • E-mail address, town or department website address you would like to include as a link.

Fax this information to this agency (203-238-6643) to the attention of the Executive Director or Linda M. Nido, Technical Specialist or, via e-mail, to her at

Information will be posted within two business days of receipt of fax or e-mail. The job notice will stay on the web page approximately one (1) week after the closing date.

POSTC will NOT be responsible for inaccurate information received. Telephone calls announcing available positions will NOT be accepted.