To:             Chiefs of Police
                  Training Officers
                  Resident Troopers
                  Protective Services

From:          T. William Knapp
                  Executive Director

Date:          November 3, 2000

Subject:      Basic Recruit Training Curriculum

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council at its September 7, 2000 meeting voted to accept the following recommendations of the Curriculum Committee relative to changes in the Basic Recruit Training Program:

-     To remove the subject area dealing with "Missing Persons" from the course entitled "Crimes Against People" (522).

-    To add a new curriculum area to the Basic Recruit Training Program entitled "Missing Persons" and to add four (4) hours to the Basic Recruit Training Program to cover said block of instruction. (Note the curriculum portion of the Basic Recruit Training Program will be increased from 646 hours to 650 hours.

-    To accept amended "Performance Objectives" in the following subject areas:

a)  "Law Enforcement & Citizens With Special Needs" (410)
b)  "Conflict Management" (411)
c)  "Domestic Violence Response" (607)

You will find the new subject matter enclosed. Please make the following changes to your Basic Recruit Training Curriculum:

1. Remove the Title page giving the Effective Date and replace with the new Title Page

2. Remove the third page of the Table of Content and replace with the new Table of Contents third page

3. Remove the four pages Curriculum Index (displays "Old Hours" "New Hours" and # Of Objectives"), and replace with the five new pages of Curriculum Index

4. Remove pages 4.18 and 4.19 "Law Enforcement & Citizens With Special Needs" and replace the new pages 4.18 and 4.19. Rev. 7/00

5. Remove pages 4.20 and 4.21 "Conflict Management" and replace with the new pages 4.20 and 4.21. Rev. 7/00

6. Remove pages 6.12 and 6.13 "Domestic Violence" and replace with the new pages 6.12 and 6.13. Rev. 7/00

7. Add new pages 6.45 and 6.46 " 625 Missing Persons".