To: Chief Law Enforcement Officers
Training Officers
Resident Troopers
Protective Services
FROM: T. William Knapp
Executive Director
DATE: November 8, 2000
SUBJECT: Notice of Council Action
An Act Concerning Crimes Motivated by Bigotry or Bias
PA 00-72 (Section 6)
The General Assembly has recently passed, and the Governor has signed into law, House Bill 5710 which has been numbered Public Act 00-72 entitled "An Act Concerning Intimidation Based on Bigotry or Bias." Section 6 of this act contains a new training mandate on the subject of crimes motivated by bigotry or bias for each basic or review training program conducted or administered by this agency or any police department. The Council, on November 2, 2000, took the following actions to implement this legislation.
All Review Training Programs shall now include a course on the topic of "Crimes Motivated by Bigotry or Bias." This course shall be of at least one-hour duration; as many as nine hours of such training may be credited toward the review training requirements in each three-year period. All review training programs shall specifically list this course in the same fashion as is now required of Rape Crisis, Domestic Violence and Juvenile Matters. The effective date for beginning compliance is July 1, 2001.
Crimes motivated by Bigotry or Bias shall be included in the Training Council’s curriculum under Criminal Investigations in a new area 524 for record auditing purposes of review training. This area can also be taught under Penal Code for basic training academies.
The Council mandate for 27 hours of training in the required areas (Firearms, Rape Crisis, etc.) has been increased to 28 hours to include the new requirement of Crimes Motivated by Bigotry or Bias. The 18 hours of electives has been reduced to 17 hours for the one-hour difference.
Law Enforcement Instructor Certification applications in subject area 524: Crimes Motivated by Bigotry or Bias will be evaluated and processed by the Certification Division. The criteria is as follows: successful completion of a specific professional training course appropriate for the subject and submission of a lesson plan prepared by the applicant covering the proposed instruction; other specific training and experience within the subject area and submission of a lesson plan prepared by the applicant covering the proposed instruction.
Enclosed find the revised REVIEW TRAINING form that reflects these changes.