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Policy Comparisons

Comparison of Partnership-Approved Individual Policies Sold in CT

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This report is intended to provide basic information about the required features of Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care Insurance policies, and how the other features vary among the approved companies.  It does not compare or discuss all features of every policy, nor does it compare group policies. Before you purchase a long-term care insurance policy, it is essential that you review the policy completely, compare it with other policies, and have all of your questions answered to your satisfaction by the insurance company, insurance agent, or by calling the Partnership's Consumer Information Service toll-free number 1-800-547-3443 (toll-free in Connecticut - from out of state call 860-418-6318).

This report will not recommend a particular policy or insurance company.   Nor will it recommend the appropriate premium you should pay based upon your income or assets. Instead, this report, along with other publications that can be provided by the Partnership, will assist you in determining whether long-term care insurance is appropriate for you, and if so, what considerations you should take into account in choosing the best policy for you.  By following the steps below, you will become an informed consumer on long-term care insurance.  Choosing a policy will be an involved process that is worth the time you invest.  Always remember that you, not the State, your agent, nor a volunteer, must make these decisions.

The following steps will help guide your decision-making process. Trained volunteers are available to assist you.

1. Review "A Shopper's Guide To Long-Term Care Insurance", which is available from insurance agents, public libraries and the Connecticut Insurance Department. The "Shopper's Guide," updated annually by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) reviews what to look for in a policy and how to find good advice.

2. Choose benefits and features that meet your needs.

3. Compare policies using this report and by talking to agents who can provide you with the policies that meet your needs.

4. Review total cost of premiums, deductibles and co-payments (see Section 7 of the Policy Comparisons Report).

5. Choose a policy that meets your needs (adequate asset protection, and appropriate benefits) at an acceptable cost.

TOP of pageTable of Contents

Section 1 - Overview

Section 2 - Required Policy Features
Required features that must be offered in each policy. As such, these features are the same in each policy.

Section 3 - Other Practices
Required insurance company practices that are the same for each company. Other practices that are common among the companies, but are not required are also included.

Section 4 - Tax Qualified Policies
Discussion of policies designed to meet the criteria to be considered "tax qualified".

Section 5 - Standards of Excellence
A listing of which voluntary standards are met by each insurance company.

Section 6 - Comparison of Policy Features
The major benefits and features of each policy are compared.

Section 7 - How Much Will Premiums Cost?
A discussion of what factors affect the cost of premiums, along with sample premiums.

Section 8 - What Are the Relevant Costs?
A discussion of the importance of comparing all relevant costs of long-term care rather than just comparing premiums.

Section 9 - Participating Companies

Download Report:

If you would like to download a printed copy of the Policy Comparisons Report, please click on the following and choose the selection for "Policy Comparisons Report".

Order Report:

To order a printed copy of the Policy Comparisons Report, please call 1-800-547-3443 (toll-free in Connecticut - from out of state call 860-418-6318) or email your request to

For more information contact:
David Guttchen, Director
(860) 418-6318