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Annual Report to the General Assembly

for the State of Connecticut's Partnership for Long-Term Care

Section 17b-254 of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) stipulates that each year, on January 1st, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall report to the General Assembly on the progress of the Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care.  This is the 31st such annual report.  Connecticut was the first state in the nation to offer its residents a way to plan ahead to meet their long-term care needs without the fear of impoverishment, and initially laid the groundwork for three other states, New York, Indiana, and California to implement Partnership programs.  By the end of 2019, forty-one (41) additional states had received approval from the federal government to implement Partnership for Long-Term Care programs. 

The Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care was developed to constrain the growth in Medicaid long-term care expenditures by educating Connecticut residents about the importance of planning ahead for future long-term care costs and by offering, through private insurers, high-quality, affordable long-term care insurance that provides protection against impoverishment.  2019 was the 27th full year that Connecticut Partnership policies were available for purchase by Connecticut residents.  The Connecticut Partnership had initially been funded through a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) but is now supported through a combination of public and private funds.

David Guttchen      

2020 Annual Report...

PDF Annual Report

This report is 19 pages in PDF format.  You will need Acrobat Reader to view it or use the PDF to HTML Format Converter.


For more information contact:
David Guttchen, Director
(860) 418-6318