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Local Pass-Through JAG

Connecticut JAG Formula Grant for Local Governments

Local Variable Pass-Through (LVPT) Funds

Less Than 10K Local (LT10K) Funds

The federal JAG program regulations require the state's JAG administrative agency, OPM, to allocate a portion of the JAG Formula award to local governments via the following two funding components:

Local Variable Pass-Through (LVPT) Funds

The JAG Local Variable Pass-Through (LVPT) grant is a component of the Connecticut JAG Formula grant program The program is funded through a federal formula grant administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.  The program is authorized under 42 U.S.C. §3751(a). (CFDA #16.738) (CFDA Title:  Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program).

Less Than 10K Local (LT10K) Funds

The LT10K funds are a component of the state's JAG Formula grant; federal program regulations require the SAA to allocate funds for very small-size units of local government, referred to as “less-than-$10,000 jurisdictions” or “less than 10K” (LT10K).  USDOJ determines the amount of “less than 10K” funds available for each state.  The State must sub-award the LT10K funds to State police departments that provide criminal justice services to the “less-than-$10,000 jurisdictions” within the State and/or sub-award the funds to such jurisdictions.

Future Funding for Local Governments

The federal program requires OPM, as the SAA, to engage in  a strategic planning process to guide the expenditure of JAG funds.  As part of the annual federal grant application process, the SAA must submit a cohesive plan describing priorities, strategies and timeline for the allocating the local-level (LVPT and LT10K) JAG funds as well as the state agency funding.  Future funding will be distributed based on the priorities and issues identified in the FY2017 JAG Plan.

Link to prior year (2009- 2015) funding cycles