2015 Legislative Testimony
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Bill #


File Size
302 ACC The Identification of Connecticut's Child Placement Needs 64kb
303 ACC Children Exposed to Family Violence 66kb
306 ACC Establishing an Independent Department of Children and Families Ombudsman 108kb
307 ACC Implementing a Quality Assurance Program for Department of Children and Families Programs and Facilities 132kb
650 ACC Temporary Restraining Orders 116kb 
796 ACC Lengthy Sentences for Crimes Committed by a Child or Youth and Sentencing of a Child or Youth Convicted of Certain felony Offenses 154kb 
 842 ACC Foster Children and the Designation of Surrogate Parents 269kb
 863 ACC Juvenile Justice Risk and Needs Assessments 114kb 
 952 ACC Second Change Society 106kb 
1006 ACC Voluntary Services within the DCF  74kb 
1007 ACC Permanency Placements when Committed to DCF  108kb 
1030 ACC Improving the Collection of Past Due Child Support 366kb 
1031  ACC Bail Set by Judges 117kb
1046  ACC Prohibiting Felons From Managing State Assistance Funds 134kb
1092 ACC Compelled Disclosure of Cellular Telephone and Internet Records 127kb
1105 ACC Minor Revisions to the Criminal Statutes 134kb
1114 ACC The Commission on Racial and Ethic Disparity in the Criminal Justice System 161kb
5505 ACC Family Court Proceedings 100kb 
5658 ACC Educational Surrogates 269kb 
6186 ACC Protecting School Children 261kb
6826 ACC Revising the Requirement for the Governor's Budget Recommendations 197kb
6896 ACC the Transfer of Youths from Court of Probate to Superior Court 197kb 
6899 ACC Expanding Guardianship Opportunities for Children and Implementing Provisions of Federal Preventing Sex Trafficking 79kb 
6923 ACC Sexual Assault 133kb 
6926 ACC Lengthy Sentences for crimes Committed by a Child or Youth 137kb 
7013 ACC DNA Testing for Persons Arrested for Murder or Sexual Assault 119kb
7027 ACC Revisions to Criminal Statutes 127kb
7034 ACC Cost Incurred by State Residents when Responding to Certain Discovery Requests 153kb

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