This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Highlights Steps toward Connecticut Fairness Achieved during the 2018 Legislative Session

(HARTFORD, CT) – In February, Governor Dannel P. Malloy used his annual State of the State address before a joint session of the Connecticut General Assembly to focus on the theme of Connecticut Fairness. The Governor outlined several specific policy initiatives aimed at creating a fairer, more equitable, and more just state for Connecticut residents, stressing in particular the importance of focusing on fairness in the context of a tumultuous national and global political landscape.

Legislators took action on several of the major initiatives the Governor proposed at the beginning of the legislative session and they are now being transmitted to his desk for his signature. These include:

Redoubling Connecticut’s environmental protection efforts

  • The legislature passed SB 7: An Act Concerning Climate Change Planning and Resiliency – the Governor’s proposals to increase Connecticut’s leadership role in environmental protection. [details]

Promoting renewable energy and the green economy

  • The legislature passed SB 9: An Act Concerning Climate Change Planning and Resiliency – the Governor’s proposal to nurture the development and deployment of affordable, clean energy. [details]

Passing a statewide ban on bump stocks and other “rate-of-fire enhancements”

  • The legislature passed HB 5542: An Act Concerning Bump Stocks and Other Means of Enhancing the Rate of Fire of a Firearm – the Governor’s proposal to ban bump stocks and other rate-of-fire enhancements. [details]

Reforming our criminal justice system to make Connecticut a safer place to live

  • The legislature passed SB 14: An Act Concerning Special Parole Sentences for High Risk, Violent and Sexual Offenders – the Governor’s proposal to refocus use of special parole sentences on high-risk, violent and sexual offenders. [details]

Ensuring experience, and not salary history, determines wages

  • The legislature passed HB 5386: An Act Concerning Pay Equity – the Governor’s proposal to prevent unintended pay discrimination in the state by prohibiting employers from inquiring during the hiring process about a prospective candidate’s previous salary history. [details]

Guaranteeing fair pay for human services workers

  • The legislature passed HR 8 and SR 7 – approving an amended contract for personal care attendants, which raises wages and adds workers’ compensation for thousands of workers across the state. [details]
  • The legislature passed HB 5460: An Act Concerning Minimum Employee Wages for Providers of State-Contracted Human Services – averting a costly and disruptive strike and providing wage increases for thousands of workers in Connecticut who care for people with intellectual disabilities at group homes and day programs. [details]

Promoting dignity for incarcerated women

  • The legislature passed SB 13: An Act Concerning the Fair Treatment of Incarcerated Women – the Governor’s proposal to strengthen Connecticut’s efforts to bring fairness and dignity to incarcerated women, and thereby reduce recidivism. [details]

Ensuring fairness for victims of sexual assault

  • The legislature passed SB 17: An Act Concerning Procedures Related to Collecting and Processing Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits – the Governor’s proposal to improve the processing of sexual assault evidence kits at the Connecticut Forensic Science Laboratory and ensure that victims are treated in a compassionate way throughout the process. [details]

“We made real progress this session,” Governor Malloy said. “Taken together, these important pieces of legislation will make Connecticut a better, fairer place to live. This stands in stark contrast to the regressive agenda pushed by President Trump and his Washington Republican allies. While much work remains to be done, Connecticut residents – particularly those who have traditionally been left behind – have more opportunity to succeed because of the actions we have taken over the past several months. I thank all of the legislators who voted for these Connecticut Fairness proposals.”

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy