This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Submits Deficit Mitigation Options to Legislature

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today issued a series of deficit mitigation options to the leadership of the Connecticut General Assembly for their review to resolve the approximate $208 million current year deficit.

In a letter to the leaders, Governor Malloy stated that his administration is providing the legislature with a “menu of choices” for their consideration. The options presented by the Governor include both expenditure reductions and revenue options that total almost $303 million, thereby providing legislators with flexibility to consider selecting among the various measures to arrive at a balanced budget. Alternatively, legislators could take all of the options to put the budget almost $95 million in projected surplus.

**Download Governor Malloy’s letter to legislative leaders and the deficit mitigation options here**

“I understand that these options will be almost universally objectionable, and that there is little appetite among you or your members for making such adjustments to your budget,” Governor Malloy wrote. “In fact, I agree these changes are difficult and that in better economic times, with a balanced budget, none of us would put them on the table for consideration. However, I have a clear statutory obligation to provide you with a plan to mitigate the deficit. Moreover, I believe we do a disservice to the public when we defer necessary steps and fail to take decisive action, ultimately making the cost to taxpayers and damage to government services even more severe.”

The items constitute a menu of choices – both spending cuts as well as revenue increases – for consideration and fulfills the Governor’s statutory duty to provide a deficit mitigation plan to the General Assembly by December 31. A deficit mitigation was triggered by the certification of a deficit of approximately $208 million by Comptroller Kevin Lembo on December 1, which represented a deficit in excess of one percent of expenditures.
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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy