This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy’s Prepared Remarks from Today’s News Conference Regarding the State Budget

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy delivered the following prepared remarks during a news conference this afternoon at the State Capitol regarding the state budget:

“Today, the House of Representatives failed. Democrats and Republicans in the House failed to act on a measure that would have received bipartisan support in the Senate, and I want to thank Senator Looney and Senator Fasano for that support.

“The short-term budget was not a perfect solution, nor was it intended to be. It was designed to be a responsible, interim measure that would allow us to craft a full two-year budget. It would have avoided or mitigated painful cuts to towns and to nonprofits. It would have preserved the summer youth employment and rental assistance programs.

“But rather than take that bill up, rather than act, we were instead treated to multiple days of conflicting and confusing statements from both leaders in the House. We heard it wasn’t good enough. We heard that it didn’t fit all their criteria. We heard that it didn’t respect their process – a process which, I remind you, failed to deliver an Appropriations Committee budget in April, failed to deliver a single budget vote before the end of session, and has now failed to deliver a budget before July 1.

“And now, the Democrats deliver a two-year budget which, by all accounts, is designed to preserve the status quo. A budget that leads with revenue, underfunds debt service, guts transportation.

“And of course, the House Republicans don’t even have that. Despite their repeated claims, their caucus does not have a budget that is ready to run.

“I’ve had enough.

“We have a choice before us: we can either confront our challenges with urgency, or we can go home without trying. Public service is about putting the state’s interests ahead of your own, and the people of Connecticut should demand more from their state representatives.

“It is my hope that they call the people representing them here at the Capitol, and ask them why they haven’t acted. Ask them what they’re going to do about this. Ask them if they were even here in the building today.

“For my part, I’ll be here, ready to work as always. I’m going to continue pushing for a budget that does not lead with revenue. A budget that supports vibrant urban centers. A budget that treats our students more fairly. A budget that doesn’t rely on gimmicks or smoke and mirrors, and that isn’t afraid to provide clear answers to our very real and very legitimate fiscal problems.”

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy